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Halina Hart


Регистрация: 08 марта ’2013   21:55
Имя: Halina Hart
Страна: Greece
Город: Athens
О себе:
    Straight from the subconscious.
    I graduated in Minsk Musical College and the Institute of Culture as a vocal. Then received journalism education. ''Tried" on herself many more roles and professions, gained life experiences, travel and moved to live in Athens, close to the divine Acropolis, finally realized that painting - it is something that has always been present in my life. Using canvas and oil, as a means of self-expression, I talk about their perceptions of the world, my mission in life. My paintings - this is my philosophy. Physical, emotional, intellectual, conscious and subconscious experience is embedded in my work. My soul lives in them. My work can be seen in galleries in Athens, Rhodes, Crete, as well as at trade shows and in private collections. Happy viewing. I wish happiness and self-improvement!
Личных фотографий нет
Последняя активность пользователя: 20 мая ’2015   01:34

Просмотров профайла сегодня: 0
Просмотров профайла всего: 26

Статус пользователя:  Автор

Рейтинг пользователя: без рейтинга

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Всего работ: 6

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