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«Неизвестный Гений»
Фролова Алеся Владимировна
Пользователь Alesya / Фролова Алеся Владимировна
Alesya Регистрация: 28 мая ’2010 15:55 |
Имя: Фролова Алеся Владимировна
Страна: Россия
Город: Москва
О себе:
Последняя активность пользователя: 09 апреля ’2016 02:38
Страна: Россия
Город: Москва
О себе:
- ************************************ Born on the 30th November 1981, in Ukraine and raised in Moscow, Russia, songwriter and artist Alesya is on her way to reaching the top heights of her musician career . She was born in the family of a military air fighter and engineer. They lived first in Ukraine and then after USSR dissolution in 1998 they moved to Moscow to her grandmother. 2003 she graduated from Russian Education Academy with a degree “teacher of English and German”. Her first song Rain was released in 2002.This song got #1 place in the experimental competition on Ourstage.com in February 2009. From that time they start working at their mutual album “Reflection of the world” which is not finished yet. They work at their home A&Vstudio
“Finally I’ve achieved what I’ve been striving for many years. There are a lot of things in our life that take all your strength and wish instead of creating and composing something special that could turn you inside out make you feel happy and free or music which encourage you to win. Victor understands me and musicians as well that’s why he provides the perfect environment for creativity.” One of the album penned tunes on “Mystery” are opened to different interpretations-mysterious and realistic. “I composed such song to remove borders of the next world and reality, to look at the world wider and understand that what we are making and where we are- all these have been programmed on the top level (that is by God). I’m not pessimistic I dare say I’m so optimistic that I believe in miracles.” Artists which determined her musical tastes and direction are: Ace of base, Enigma, Michael Bolton, Madonna, Seal, Tina Turner, Lisa Stansfield, Suzzane Vega ”Tom’s dinner”, Roxete, George Michael, Dido Victor studied from: Beatles, Stevie Wonder, George Benson, Jino Vanelli, Shakatak,Bee Gees Now she is working on a cross-continental project with a talented American songwriter Trabue and their song name is “Tell me Why”. Victor is doing an arrangement on this song. And she also concludes a contract with Russian records “AV-group Ltd” which will distribute her music across Russia and CIS countries. ************************************ Olga Grogan, producer of the program Russian Radio of America, Colorado, USA Dmitry Ford, music columnist/Editor for the Charity Music International, Montana, USA. 2009
Последняя активность пользователя: 09 апреля ’2016 02:38
Просмотров профайла сегодня: 0
Просмотров профайла всего: 89
Просмотров профайла всего: 89
Статус пользователя: Автор
Рейтинг пользователя: 3
- Горячая десятка радио 3
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Всего работ: 9
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