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breathe autumn in your lips

Просмотр работы:
20 июня ’2012   12:48
Просмотров: 22831

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eyelids are closed
kisses from the sun
Memory of voice is heard

child looks
Birds take wing up to the sky
I forgive oblivion


sun in the rain
reflected sky
eidos is immortal


scarlet color of soul
bud of heart in a field of roses
waves waft


I'm sad. autumn.
I compassionate to the flowers
in cold night

dew not life-giving
Only stars brighter

but I'm not a bird
able to fly away
from coming snowstorms

save rose petals
in the wings of a sad book


tear is broken
Can you hear? .. the wind cries ...
at night, crystal heather
Scattered foliage.
The heat of my hands
wings took to the sky


by moon-path
all days leave into eternity
Sun lamb


delicate heart
lotus closed at night


name of people -
leaving word
only heart is eternal

covered by linen
Jasmine in a crystal vase
soul is invisible


behind the horizon
stars fall into the sea
cold wind

the smell of chrysanthemums,
Boreas take away with rain
speechless hands

faces of days are dying.
in the caves of nymphs - snowy marble


voice of eternity
velure of silver moons


wounded bird
in the dark waters of the lake
there is no place for tears

purple lotus
oh, Adam do not look
at the bottom stem


years pass
birds will leave the island
Lotus closed

reed grass is ready for the wind
breathe autumn in your lips

Music ۞ZARABANDA۞ and Poetry by Agnellius
Illustration: Landscapes of Alaska


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