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Shining Like A Sun

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Shining Like A Sun
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10 июля ’2011   15:03
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Shining Like The Sun

I want to wake up beside you someday
To touch your hair to bring you smile
I'll try to take all of the time remained
To make up truths and lies
That'll bring you back sometime

I'm gonna melt your heart with light of sun
You felt it then, can you feel it now?
I'm tiered of walking through this life without
All those days and nights that we flied
Showing all the things we could hide
Now it's a different sky that you shine on

Ch. I want to give all this life
Days I sleep and nights I cry
To the star that is you
Because you are so fine
Filling like men can't feel
So, hold that light and come down real
But now you still shining like the sun

I'm drifting with the stream you made of stars
No airplanes, subways or cars
'Cause I get there faster when I close my eyes
And see those days and nights that we flied
Feel like nothing more left to hide
'Cause there's nothing left behind the pride

Ch. I want to give all this life
Days I roam and nights I cry
To the star that is you
Because you are so fine
Filling like men can't feel
So, hold that light and come down real
But now you still shining like the sun
You're shining like, shining like the sun

You lit the sky one time
I ran away from mankind
I lived a dream all along
It wasn't hard at all
You will return one day
By soft fresh summer rain
I'll know it's you by the sound
Calling me out

Making streets overflow
To wash away the dust
And taking me by the flood
To where it could last

Ch. I want to give all this life
Days I sleep and nights I cry
To the star that is you
Because you are so fine
Filling like men can't feel
So, hold that light and come down real
But now you still shining like the sun
You're shining like, shining like the sun
You're shining like, shining like the sun
You're shining like, shining like the sun


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Оставлен: 18 октября ’2015   21:13
Классная песенка. Понравились отличная музыка, и замечательное исполнение. Все просто супер!         

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