Лайт-версия сайта


Просмотр работы:
19 июня ’2024   13:13
Просмотров: 685
Добавлено в закладки: 1


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[Verse 1]
The world is a battlefield, they say
And I'm fighting my own war every day
But I'm not alone, I have my crew
The ones who know me, through and through

We're the broken hearts, the lost and found
The ones who rise up, when the world is down
We're the voices in the dark, the fire in the night
We're the ones who fight, for what's right

[Verse 2]
They call us crazy, they call us fools
But we're the ones who break the rules
We're the ones who stand our ground
We're the ones who never back down

We're the broken hearts, the lost and found
The ones who rise up, when the world is down
We're the voices in the dark, the fire in the night
We're the ones who fight, for what's right


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