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Lonely Child

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Lonely Child
Просмотр работы:
15 февраля ’2024   14:13
Просмотров: 1172

Скачать файл - 5.487 мб   (Загружено 0 раз)
Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC7jk9dArrk

Music: Living World
Vocal: Khan Shtorh
Lyrics: Khan Shtorh
Cover: Lorine Arzumanyan
Genre: Nu Metal

© 2024 Living World


[Verse 1]
In this dark world
a baby was born
and plunged into thick darkness
he felt the gazes of monsters
he was all alone
wandered through the corners of pain and unknown
until felt horror cause
was so lonely and he asked for help by cry

he was all alone
was born in a world
ruled by monsters around and all
that, he cries high
and echo flies
but no one will hear his scream inside

[Verse 2]
He hides from them
cause they want to eat him
the baby is so hurt inside
and no one hears his cries
he wants to close his eyes
so as not to see this nightmare
but the monsters next to him
make him run from them, in this hellish dream

he was all alone
was born in a world
ruled by monsters around and all
that, he cries high
and echo flies
but no one will hear his scream inside


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