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Somewhere Far Away

МУЗЫКА / Поп / Somewhere Far Away
Просмотр работы:
20 апреля ’2022   12:06
Просмотров: 4512

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Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIYuUSH9XUM

Notes are behind my back
he sun is shining in the back of my head

While others live their lives
I'm chained up, somewhere far away
I can't be with them, somewhere far away
I can't be with her, I can't find peace

I'm all alone, watching friends
forget about me

While others live their lives
I'm chained up, somewhere far away
I can't be with them, somewhere far away
I can't be with her, I can't find peace

Yeah, this path is too hard and hopeless
and my life has become too joyless
in the distance, among the darkness
blinking highlights
the line of darkness
once I was next to them but went out
we were all the same now color
but now we are separated by emptiness
it no longer matters


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