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«Неизвестный Гений»
Native Land
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24 декабря ’2020 20:09
Просмотров: 7802
Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3fPbhyIAIk
Where grown soft grass
now it's solid ice
winter's not the same where
the soft snow
now if you fall you fall on hard ice
Native Land now ain't no more sunshine
and warm heat
I wanna go back
back where Paradise is
where the native land
Na nan na na
There's a white house
a Playground
trees blooming and the smell of flowers
it's gone, it's all destroyed
Native Land now ain't no more sunshine
and warm heat
I wanna go back
back where Paradise is
where the native land
Na na na na
I just want to fly away from hell
a green garden
a quiet rustle of trees
Oh how I want it back
Native Land
Where grown soft grass
now it's solid ice
winter's not the same where
the soft snow
now if you fall you fall on hard ice
Native Land now ain't no more sunshine
and warm heat
I wanna go back
back where Paradise is
where the native land
Na nan na na
There's a white house
a Playground
trees blooming and the smell of flowers
it's gone, it's all destroyed
Native Land now ain't no more sunshine
and warm heat
I wanna go back
back where Paradise is
where the native land
Na na na na
I just want to fly away from hell
a green garden
a quiet rustle of trees
Oh how I want it back
Native Land
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