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Swing (music and performance by Christian Lido, lyrics by Ria April Avalon)

МУЗЫКА / Поп / Swing (music and performance by Christian Lido, lyrics by Ria April Avalon)
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22 ноября ’2015   14:56
Просмотров: 16494

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Kids of yesterday have all grown,
We are changing, it is getting harder,
We forget who we are,
But I know

There's a child in everyone's soul,
Reminiscence wakes an old feeling,
It just makes life whole,
It is healing.

I remember my best friend through all these years,
In a swing that took us to the far-off sky,
My own sky was always blue and clear,
How I miss that time.

When my peers send me pictures, I start to cry,
They are torn, still black and white, but they are mine,
In that swing we could even fly,
Nothing could feel so fine.

I remember that swing
And that yard, and my house that's shattered,
I would hover and sing
To my friend.
I remember it all
And its magic that seemed never-ending,
But life's taken its tall
On everyone.

Everybody on the planet Earth
Belongs to a lovely magic place
It's what you can't erase
From your life.

Nothing matters when your mind gets back and takes you
To your summer, swing and that old far-off yard,
It is always in your heart,
Recalling the life so true.

I remember that swing
And that yard, and my house that's shattered,
I would hover and sing
To my friend.
I remember it all
And its magic that seemed never-ending,
But life's taken its tall
On everyone.
But life's taken its tall
On everyone.


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