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For the Moment (music and performance by Christian Lido, lyrics by Ria April Avalon)

МУЗЫКА / Поп / For the Moment (music and performance by Christian Lido, lyrics by Ria April Avalon)
Просмотр работы:
22 ноября ’2015   14:54
Просмотров: 16388

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Paint your perfect dream come true, it's time to chase it.
Make a sweet mistake and then erase it,
When the little pieces fit and build one whole,
Try to seize this feeling, keep it in your soul.

In the shelter of spring,
Through the light and through the torment
Feel the soft scent of love, simply breathe it in.
Never cry for anything,
Live right now, for the moment,
Feel the mood of the voice deep within.

It is in your heart, set your spirit free,
And whatever happens, simply let it be,
It is time for harmony and love,
Spring will give you wings to rise above.

In the shelter of spring,
Through the light and through the torment
Feel the soft scent of love, simply breathe it in.
Never cry for anything,
Live right now, for the moment,
Feel the mood of the voice deep within.

In the shelter of spring,
Through the light and through the torment
Feel the soft scent of love, simply breathe it in.
Never cry for anything,
Live right now, for the moment,
Feel the mood of the voice deep within.


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