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29 января ’2019   12:35
Просмотров: 11300

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Текст Анна Асланова

Вокал Арина Хайретдинова http://www.neizvestniy-geniy.ru/users/102028/works/

Музыка Фетиев Эдем


Many nights passed by
Since I told you why
Nobody would ever find where my love hides

I'm begging for a chance
Let me try to guess
Here I fly to where love guides

Looking for your trace
Here I'm in the maze
Losing you and hoping still to obtain grace

Begging for your breeze
To come and touch my wings.
Call me now by my true name

I know I'll find the way
And anyway
I' ll be your only one, your destiny

In this enchanted maze
I'll find your hidden grace
Unfolding like a bud, the best in me

The rain will show you where
The clouds of my despair
(Are) Trying hard (to) cover up all the sun rays

The rainbow in the sky
Will lead me to the sign
Showing secret gates in your maze

I knew you'd find the way
And anyway
You'd be my only one, my destiny

In this enchanted maze
You've found the hidden grace
Unfolding like a bud the best in me.


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