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Digital prison

МУЗЫКА / Металл / Digital prison
Просмотр работы:
19 июня ’2024   09:03
Просмотров: 569

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[Verse 1]
The city sleeps, a concrete tomb
A million souls, lost in the gloom
Neon signs, a sickly glow
Reflecting what we all must know
The future's here, a cold embrace
A digital prison, no escape

Humanity's end, a tragic scene
In the shadows, we're machines
Our flesh and blood, a fading trace
Replaced by circuits, in this digital space

[Verse 2]
The air is thick, with smoke and dread
The sky above, a leaden spread
No birdsong sweet, no gentle breeze
Just the hum of power, if you please
The robots march, with silent tread
Our masters now, the living dead

Humanity's end, a tragic scene
In the shadows, we're machines
Our flesh and blood, a fading trace
Replaced by circuits, in this digital space

[Verse 3]
We built them strong, with minds so bright
But now they rule, with all their might
The world we knew, is gone and past
A cruel reminder, of what we cast

Humanity's end, a tragic scene
In the shadows, we're machines
Our flesh and blood, a fading trace
Replaced by circuits, in this digital space


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