1. Sad and sorrow I accursed my live,
I used to go to work from nine till five.
All my dreams had gathered to a cloud,
but you were the rain I dreamed about.
Bridge: I had dreamed to see the rainbow
after years of bitter flavor,
after darkness to see the light.
CHORUS: I was lonely away without you
I could aim to and prey about you.
When we met, I was feeling as never,
and now I’d love us to keep together.
I’ll believe in you and believe you,
never argue and always forgive you
I’ll be grateful and gentle with you,
I’ll be happy with you, my true love.
2. You came up as sunrise in my eyes,
Only with you I could realize:
My love, being lonely is unfair
The world is empty if you are nowhere.
Bridge: It’s so great to see the rainbow
after years of bitter flavor,
love’s within us or we’re in there?
Да. Похоже эта песенка мне тогда просто не в настроение попала. Сейчас послушала ещё раз, больше прониклась. Очень красиво звучит, очень нежно! Молодец!
Спасибо большое, Алексей!