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18 июня ’2014   12:42
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Descendant by Andrei Hauk (2003 USA)

I’ve come to find some answers,
instead I climbed defenses
over the maintains of all human flaws.
If I’m to fight for freedom
I gotta have my reasons.
Is it a treason to change status quo?

I need to know the truth before
the children start their crying,
the blackened sky begins to fall,
begins to speed the death.

I don’t believe the wars are ever won when the lives are lost!
I don’t believe the tale that strong is right and the weak is wrong!
And either way you choose it: every war will bring one more.
Please shut your eyes in justice and open your hearts!

I yet will not surrender
But this will not depend on
What lies they spin on the screen they control
I’m no one’s truth defendant
I’m everyone’s descendant
Waiting for the cheapest grimace to unfold

I’d like to see the truth
before the water stops its flowing,
the blackened sky begins to fall,
begins to speed the death.



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Оставлен: 28 августа ’2014   16:16

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