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Relentless Fall

МУЗЫКА / Хардрок / Relentless Fall
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18 июня ’2014   12:36
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Relentless Fall by Andrei Hauk (2003 USA)

Cannot get away, cannot stop today’s relentless fall
Cannot ring the bell, cannot call the hell or lock the door…

The falling leaves don’t help me greave
For something lost in time
The table scraps in flashy traps
Don’t feed defecting minds
Yesterday won’t resemble tomorrow
Even light it’s forgetting its tasks
You will live through forgiveness and sorrow
By wearing all faded masks.

Cannot get away, cannot stop the day’s relentless fall
Cannot ring the bell, cannot call the hell or lock the door
Give another chance! Take another stance to ban this farce,
This needless show!

When tragedy weeps comedy
True actors leave the stage
If you don’t bleed your pain isn’t seen
Your wisdom turns to rage

A stranger’s face won’t resemble your tears
As the night has swallowed the signs
Only hope measures strength with your fears
And find you home with new rhymes


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