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The Ritual

Просмотр работы:
16 июля ’2013   21:08
Просмотров: 20482

Это текст-эксперимент. Вампирически-готический ритуал, пропитанный эротизмом.

bodies burning in sweat, melting under the carnivorous moon (the ritual) 

Feed us with your flesh
Let us drink your blood
Make us be your lover(s)
in this hell-made fever...

Strengthen us now with your soul
that was chained by dark-side long ago...
Be our bride under the huntress moon...
In this carnival...under the huntress moon...

...in this carnival
of the carnivoires
Bodies twist in sweat
Making your clit wet
...in this carnival
of the carnivoires

You ve got a sword
And make a dash
You give me word
To start the crash

Strengthen me now with your soul
that was captured by darkness long ago...
Be my bride under the huntress moon...
In this carnival...under the huntress  moon

But here, in desperate world,
we believe in blood, no lord
You ll take a part in the great war
You lose- we make you a whore

...in this carnival
of the carnivoires
Bodies twist in sweat
Making your clit wet
...in this carnival
of the carnivoires

we make a love under the huntress lurking moon
we make it hard and rough and all our muscles burn
I`ve got you tough as your flower is in the bloom
I pierce your womb, and then our souls in dusk had turned

...in this carnival
of the carnivoires
Bodies twist in sweat
Making your clit wet
...in this carnival
of the carnivoires
Bodies twist so sweat
Making nipples bleed
...in this carnival
of the carnivoires
Bodies twist in sweat
Making your clit wet
Bodies twist so sweat
Making nipples bleed
Свидетельство о публикации №93934 от 16 июля 2013 года


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