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Play it against Uncle Sam!

Литература / Тексты песен / Play it against Uncle Sam!
Просмотр работы:
13 февраля ’2011   02:15
Просмотров: 25328

Old Uncle Sam looks slightly seedy –
To pep him up, you pay him tax.
Pay to your state, pay to your city –
Then just sit down and relax.

To save a buck, you’ll use your brain
To pull on them a little scam,
And do not just “play it again”-
Play it against Uncle Sam!

Don’t be afraid – the biggest bosses
Are building houses of wax –
Donations balancing and losses,
So Uncle Sam won’t get his tax.

Let’s steal from him – he’s so kind
And rich – he wouldn’t give a damn,
A hundred less – he wouldn’t mind -
Play it against Uncle Sam!

Life isn’t just – you work forever,
Get what they spare, pay as you told,
When you’ll be rich? – believe me, never –
There’s no justice in the world.

Pay through your nose - earn the peanuts?
Excuse me, now way, ma’am!
Let’s learn how not to be nuts –
Play it against Uncle Sam!

It’s not a subject for the laughter-
A taxing question, none the less,
Mean Uncle Sam – he will send after
You the bad guys from IRS.

When you’ll get caught – don’t say your “wow”,
Or try to look like harmless lamb.
All this will teach you, brother, how
Play it against Uncle Sam!


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