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Tomorrow's Exceptional Hero

Литература / Тексты песен / Tomorrow's Exceptional Hero
Просмотр работы:
29 августа ’2014   17:54
Просмотров: 19003

Tomorrow's Exceptional Hero

Dissolve all your pride in your misery, guys!
It's only your pathos that shines in your eyes.
Your words are important just devil knows where,
Your mirth in the voice is a sign of despair.
You've never seen life, as you've been colorblind;
It's painted by poets in all undertones
While you label things just as black or as white.
Your black is opposed to the world of your own.
If difference frightens you, you're the crowd,
There's nothing your hopeless days are about.
You're models of somebody's system, you're clones,
You're always together, forever alone.

The crowd is such a deceptive protection,
The crowd is moving in just one direction.
It's moving nowhere, the speed's minus zero.
It's our tomorrow's exceptional hero!

The sun in your world still can warm you at night,
But nothing will ever be fucking all right!
Work, family, pub, sleep... Then count to ten -
You'll see the same picture again and again.
You can't change the rules, so you change decorations,
You're frightened of getting to your one true core.
You, slaves, could be kings - you are human creations,
By concept a bit of a muse and a whore,
A thinker, a painter, a soul to admire
As well as a wreck, a destroyer, a liar,
An actor sometimes, or the truth with a guile -
Still better than your hypocritical smile!
Your credo is envy, the reason you fail.
Our world is a pedestal, yours is a jail.

The crowd is such a deceptive protection,
The crowd is moving in just one direction.
It's moving nowhere, the speed's minus zero.
It's our tomorrow's exceptional hero!
Is it?


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