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Odessa Slaughter in American

Литература / Статьи / Odessa Slaughter in American
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07 мая ’2014   15:16
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(The writing to my friend)

Good evening my friend,

Thank you for your advice to visit your site for reading the point of view of Turkish mass media about acsident of the Odessa carnage. Nevertheless, I would like to narrate a little more to you. I'll try to describe this tragic event to you as if it was a usual story, like a document without any emotions.

Thus, let's begin at the beginning.

As it became known the incident in Odessa turned out much more terrible than it seemed before. In my last writing I've spelled out the official version to you. However, at present the other data has become revealed. I am becoming to understand the problem was not in the Kharkov football fans, who filled the streets and square on this terrible day.

In this a very moment when the fight on the street was ended the football fans were far away. They leaved Odessa so they hardly could take part with battle of federalization supporters. At that very moment they all were already in the train on the way home, to Kharkov.

When the demonstrates run to Trade Unions Building to escape from crowd of thugs in black to hide away and to stay alive, another band of mercenaries and Ukraine nationalists were already waiting them there to arrange to them blood execution.

There has begun a massacre there in the building. It's started before the fire. All the entrances to building has been locked at once as soon as the people had come inside. The bottles with hell mix for fire and suffocating gas was already on the roof and in wait its hour.

I've been looked through the videos some days later again. Among a number of things on the screen I noticed the gas masks which were scattered on corridors floors.

There wasn’t a smoke inside of building. Not a fire, but the gas of white color and yellow color choked people. The specialists consider it could be or yperite or chlorine. People who were in Trade Unions Building and remained alive only by miraculously, were feelling that their lungs just blew up from the poisoned air after first breath they.

People who wanted to be hided in numerous rooms of building from gas and killers with weapon in hands, in fact had no chance. They all were quite defenseless, but killers who organized a safari on people, were prepared very well.

Majority people were shot in head. Among them were bodies without the heads or bodies split by an axe into parts.

Among victim were women, children and men in age. Some women have been raped before death, and after then they was shot at point-blank.

I heard a woman voice on video; it was a terrible shout from a window. Woman was pregnant. The child should be appeared maybe next week. Only before death people is able to shout such a creepy.

After the shout was stopped, and in the same window like an apotheosis of the death was appeared the Ukraine flag blue and yellow color. Next day this woman and this flag was found in one of the rooms. She was raped before the death and then strangled with cable.

After murder the corpses and people who were crippled but still staying alive were moved to the second floor where wasn't fire traces.

Then heads and shoulders of alive and deaden have poured napalm over and set on fire, in order that bodies wouldn't impossible to identify by faces.

All the rooms and stairs of the building were filled up with corpses. There were not 41 corpses there in spite just this number has been indicated in the official mass media next day. At that terrible night one hundred sixteen Ukrainian people have found their death in Trade Unions Building.

We can't get to know from mass media even a half the truth because his incident was planned just by Ukraine government by order of Obama and for US money which after slaughter. At that May day every participant and executers of mass murder had their personal interest to have a greatest number of sacrifices. Just because they all have been united by financial interest.

The size of money payment was directly depended on corpse quantity was paid to mercenaries and producers of weapons. Ukrainian police did not stand aside as well. People in uniform together with USA president rushed to the defense interest contract killers as well.

I should to say two days before this event the Ukraine president made the public declaration: $10 000 will be paid for every Russian person which will be killed to every executor. I believe, that was the reason why there was so much video of murders in Internet as, for example, it could be in Chechnya or in Libya during of the war.

Even before the bodies were identified in Odessa in Kiev mass media has already appeared information that 15 bodies belong to Russian citizens. Allegedly all of them have been found on the place of tragedy. This way Ukraine mercenaries were hurried to earn their money on each head and on every Internet picture.

However, I don't think there was anybody there among them from Russia. In that hell burned exclusively citizens of Odessa. Yes, of course, Ukrainians, Russians, Jews were among them and the other nationality however they all were from Odessa.

The life of 116 persons has become the price which Ukraine government was paid for American credit and for Ukraine president armchair.

I don't think I'll be able to read the trust information on Turkish, in English or in USA mass media or to hear it on Ukrainians TV canals because mass media staff simply block the real facts or distort information in accuracy to on the contrary.

We really turned out on threshold of war. Every such event again and again pushed the Russia to inter into Ukraine. Odessa Slaughter was lovely occasion to intervention NATO to Ukraine and Russia Conflict, and for beginning the war actions against Russia by the Ukraine people's hands.

However, before this will happen and before than the Russia will give to USA this possibility to become decapitated her, the Russia first must decapitate USA dollar. USA dollar is blood system of any war, and wrong side of Pan American dream in the same time. It's only label of happiness, its phantom, beautiful mask which hides terrible muzzle of beast.

I don’t think that somebody except Putin could be stop the printing of dollar and put the end for war.

What can I say more? You are such away from me but you are my friend and only you can understand my pain and fear on the doorstep the Third world war.
I would like to continue our discussion some longer. Who knows maybe this our today’s dialogue will save not only your and my life…

It's late. Take care of you please.

Sincerely — your Lidia


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