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The Fear

Просмотр работы:
13 июня ’2013   18:59
Просмотров: 20855

“ Agent Fear! You`ve a special mission. It isn`t just an ordinary mission....first You must to find the enter...to the world darkside...after them...You must enter to the private virtual alternative reality. Wi`ve lost our contact with agent Amelion from the Kingdom of Darkness. Agent Amelion is an agent Shadow from the Temle of Night. We`ve lost our contact with him, when agent Amelion`s entered to the private alternative reality. Agent Amelion belived... this alternative reality belong to the one murder, who`s killed a lot of people...in our galaxy. Agent Ameliom sent his lost message before hi`s left our world. Hi wrote “ Now...I know...the trueth. When the sky...is dark...and the bloody sunset...has gone...Don`t pray ,as usually, for God...and You can see...at this moment...The terrible magic ring, the ring of fire, has drawn by stars...in the black sky. It`s it... this is the way to hell! This unknown artist, who`s drawn this terrible artwork...by coursed forgotten stars...in the sky...is a murder. Hi`s built an alternative reality...by himself, in the world darkside... somwhere in the virtual reality...Hi used to unknown power...to kill. I saw that magical ring in the sky again...I understood...The hunting to the peoples live...has begun.”
I`m steel remember...when I`s young. It`s a night time...and I felt not myself...very well. I`s longing in my bed. The air was heavy, and I felt...how my body...gets down...to the darkness. I felt the grey tentacles of death...and ...when`ey would to take my live... I understood...it wasn`t an ordinary nightmare...it was...reality...I`m steel remember...those heavyer...smells of death. But something was happening...on the air...it was a buttle in the shadow...
First I opened my eyes, I heard some pray "Rise for me!...at the name of God...Amen..." When I`s awaking...I understood...It wasn`t in the Earth...and now I`m somwhere in the world darkside. I`m in Otherworld...”It place calls by Night Altar...You`are in the Temple of Darkness” said me the Shadow...Hi`s introdused himself...Hi said... his name is Amelion, and hi`s the High priest of the Temple of Darkness. Hi saved me...and named me by... Fear. Now I`m a half a human...and ...half the shadow...I must to find him...maybe...I must... to save him...
It was 10 years ago.... when I saw him again. I remember... I`d a lot of job at this day ...I was so tired...I was in the Hotel...in Paris...afther midnight...I was siting and was looking...to the night sky. It wasn`t raining...and the thousands stars shone...in the night darkness. I didn`t saw...when the dark figure... has come from the shadow...I`s siting and was looking...to the mirror...drank a glasse of red vine...and saw how... a fuuls moon`s reflection...has reflected in my mirror....I`s looking to the mirror...and saw myself...I saw a pretty young women`s reflection, in short blue dress, with long red hair, and a beautyful grey eyes. I didn`t remember...when the shady hands...hugs my body, He`s invisible in the shadow...but..I felt...when his lips`s kissed my lips...The wind from unknown me stars blows away my body...away from the Earth...The Shadow flew next to me...to the center of Galaxy...I saw his black wings...so dark, so great...like a night darkness. He gave me his hand...and I saw myself...on the altar of Night...I`s looking at Amelion, and finnaly, i saw his face, with dark grey eyes, dark hear and a great black ,like a night wings. Hi`s so handsome...in this night darkness.He looks like an angel. Amelion hugs me...and I`s kissed his lips...but I felt a some... shame...My face was red...Amelion`s looking at me, and said `Please, don`t worry about it! You`re in the world darkside. The God of Darkness will forgives our sins...You musn`t think about shame. Please, listen to my heart...Are You feeling?...the same feels...as me? Are You feeling the pain? Do You love me? Do Do You wan`t to be...main?Don`t tell...anything...please look at me! My heart is fuul of love...The Flame of love...burns...my heart...confused my mind...I wan`t You!”...I`s kissed his lips...again... I...hugt his body....Amelion`s loved me... all night...at the Altar of Night on the temple of Darkness. I felt him...anywhere...inside my heart...inside my blood...inside my mind...inside my love...The magic simfony sings..in space. It`s a blessing. The space was blessed for us...
I`s awaking in my bed...it`s early morning. I felt...the Shadow hugs my body...He kissed my lips and said “See You again...my love...and has flown to the darkness. I understood...I must forgot him...I`m just an ordinary women...I haven`t a wings...I can`t fly. But the love...has confused my mind...poisoned my reason...it was crazyful...but I won`t see him again...maybe it was a something from his magical things... maybe it`s ...a black magic...? But I heard his voice...inside my mind...Amelion calls me...He said “Don`t worry...that all is possible...but you isn`t yet ready...for...this...You need wait a bit...I`ll come to You...again...when the darkness will be the fuul...”
Hi`s gone, but in the next night...I saw the way...to the center of Galaxy. I saw myself...My body`s floating...I saw my flying to the darkness, and the light..light from the stars`s showed me the way. It gave the strange power...to me...It`s power fuuls me...first I awaked. A lot of time`s gone. I know...I`m ready to move to the Temple of Darkness. I saw Amelion in my lost dream...Hi looks at me from the mirror...and said “Halp me!” When I`s awaking...I saw a black ritual knight...
I think...I know...what to do...I understood...what Amelion means...when he wrote his message..and sent it to Earth. “When the bloody sunset...has gone...I has burned my right hand...by ritual knight...and when I was looking to the sky..I saw the terrible magic ring...the ring of death...drewn by coursed at the name of God, forgoten bloody stars...in the sky. I understood...This is it...about this...wrote Amelion in his message. I felt the tentacles of death has touthed my body... again...the air was heavy. I felt smels of death. Where are You? Amelion...Are You hear me? How I could help You?
Noone answer me...just cold white winther blizard sings it songs...in my window...I saw a white snowflakes dancing it`s ritual dance...I`m dying...I wish to be with You... When I was opened my eyes, the white winther blizard`s gone and I saw again those magical ring. But now, it`s reflected...in the blood...on the floor...in my room. I`s looking in my window...and saw nothing,the darkness...fuuls my eyes. I`ve heard the scream. Bit later...the terrible tornado breaks an apple trees. Those apple trees`ve grown near my window. The time has stoped...inside me. The light by unknown me stars..flared in my room. I saw the shadows. Their dance were reflected in my mirror. I saw the magical ring`s revolving in the sky. I felt my body slowly losing it`s power of life. “Are You crazy? You play with fire! Be careful! Said an unknown voice...inside my mind. We`re shadows, the souls of the deadly humans...from the Kingdom of Darkness. We must help You.
...so cold...so different...so strange...Where I`m? I`m...in hell...isn`t it?....
“Not, yet!” said unknown me voice. "You`re just in mine private an alternative reality''.
When I`s looking in the window...I saw...The big ellow eyes...looked a me...from the dirty grey heaven!"My name is D`Arty. I like to play with humans live. I like to eat their hearts...to eat their power of life. I like to play with their love, to play with their sorrow...I like to kill`em! I`ll to wait , a bit...to wait...when Your lost power of live will leaves You. I would like to enjoy...Your sorrow. Would You like to be...by my new slave, to be a fan by my religion?" Said the monster...and smiles to me...with his sharpeful dents. But now...I`ll to eat...Where is the souls, who was died today on the morning?
I heard the terrible scream...again. It`s a humans scream.I`s looking to the window...and saw...how... An uknknown invisible power , like as tornado...breaks their bodyes. The great tears by blood...down from the heaven.I saw D`Arty. Hi dranks its...and enjoyed...by humans power of life. The heaven was crying...by bloody tears...D`Arty turned his head to my side, and looks at me! “Jammy! I see, my new slave, my new food...isn`t yet ready..for me?! ...But...I`m tired to wait! Look at me! I said, LOOK AT ME! I saw his eyes, fuuls...of fire....” and now I`ll to taste You! I won`t to take Your life, Your power! Give me it!I know about Your extraordinary abilityes, but my power is stronger than Your! I`m Creator! Don`t play with me!”...said the monster, and bits my right hand...with his sharpeful dents....
“Don`t afraid him! Said Amelion voice...inside my mind...I saw myself...from the mirror... I saw...How I`s longing in my bed...and I`s heard a some prays...Somebody prays...for me. It`s the shadows. They`re prays for me. I saw not...blood...I felt not the pain..not the fear....And, finnaly...I saw him! My lovely Amelion...looks at me...He`was praying on the Altar of Night. Hi`s so handsome. The blood stoped to run from my right hand! Also...I saw a some strange ritual...and I felt...how the power of live returns to me...but now...that power...is stronger than was mine. So strange! I heard a scream...again. It`s D`Arty. Hi`s screamed...” What is this?” “ Are You poisoned me?" "I`m dying!” Said the monster. The time compressed...around us...”It`s the power of love!...demon"...said my lovely Amelion. D`Arty`s died...
I`ve awaiked ...after midnight. I`s in my bed. The fuul moon, as usually, reflected
in my mirror. Shadow hands...hug my body...The Shadow has kissed my lips...and flew away...from me...to the darkness. The fuul moon... has reflected...in my mirror. I`s looking to the mirror...and I saw myself...I saw ellow, like a gold eyes...have reflected...in my mirror. I`s smiled...and saw my smile...with sharpeful dents... I`ve heard an Amelion voice...inside my mind..."I`ll come to You again...when the darkness will be the fuul!” ...my love...
The grey tentacles of death was coming to me from the shadow. ''What`s I can to do for You...M`ledy?''... asks me the voice of death. ''Nothing... thanks! Today I mean...I must to think...little more...but tommorow, I need to do somethink in the...my new reality...Tommorow you must to take a some lives...to complete... by it`s power my new world. Please, come...tommorow I`ll show you the way.''

Свидетельство о публикации №84996 от 10 июля 2013 года


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Оставлен: 14 июня ’2013   00:14

Оставлен: 09 июля ’2013   18:23
Надин просто изумительно прочитала с огромным удовольствием.БРАВО!!     

Оставлен: 10 июля ’2013   14:55
Ok! Bolsoe Spasibo! Otcen rada znakomstvu s Vami!

Оставлен: 02 января ’2014   05:20

Оставлен: 31 мая ’2014   02:14
Сегодня, в день рожденья твой
Желаю сердцем и душой
Здоровья, бодрости и смеха,
Во всех делах твоих успеха!
И чтоб светила бы всегда
Тебе счастливая звезда.

Оставлен: 31 мая ’2014   02:15

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