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On the nature of activity

Просмотр работы:
01 декабря ’2024   00:05
Просмотров: 114

The essence of living beings is determined by their specific activity, which differs from the motion and change of inanimate objects, indifferent to their own existence, perception and evaluation of the information coming into the sense organs, which after its processing turns out to be the basis for the aspiration of these beings for their own preservation, reproduction and development.

Keywords: activity, information, motion, change, consciousness, self- consciousness, dissatisfaction, sensations.

The main problem of science has always been the glaring discrepancy between the living and the nonliving.
From this problem, in essence, arose religion, which quite rightly pointed out the existence of the soul, which is now called consciousness.
We ourselves, perhaps without realizing it, are the most active element of all that is, that is, beingness, since we are in it among other living beings and nonliving objects, thanks to which, in particular, we are able to live, using them.
Therefore, seemingly, the separate and independent from each other, the nonliving and the living, in fact, can only exist together in beingness. The living does not find support in its activity without nonliving objects even in its own body, and to talk about the existence of other non-living objects without living beings, in itself, is nonsense, since whether these objects exist or not does not matter, since informationally they are equal to zero, that is, they can only be carriers of information, and in this case, there is no one to carry it from and to.
So it must be, things without people are non-existence, and they can appear only at the call of the active. Things, potentially existing in nothingness as and the active, but they are not capable of getting out of it on their own - they do not have the gush for this. The active, in turn, has nothing to do without things. This kind of interdependence of the active and the passive, from which the active can mold anything within reasonable limits, constitutes life in its development, but this activity of the active among the things is impossible outside of time.
The term "beingness" together with the prefix "co" (co-existence) each person intuitively understands as events and if to think further, "event" is happening to someone and to something in some space and in some time. But division of beingness on time, space and motion of things in it happens only through consciousness of a person (similarly, through the consciousness of any living being) as a result of processing the relevant information packages, which are converted into objects surrounding a person, and we watch this partitioned beingness visibly.
Therefore, in beingness, the active is personified in a person as consciousness of this material protein base, structured in a special way for the perception, processing, exchange and use of information, thereby constituting alive, capable not only of thinking, but also of acting, developing consciousness thanks to this.
However, we know nothing about something, which is situated outside our sensations. Therefore, is reasonable to ask: is there anything outside of sensations?
After all, beingness is "enlivened" only by the presence of the live and the term "beingness" means the being of someone in something. Thus, meaning of beingness as receptacles of things, apparently, consists in "a service" of alive, which watches, acts, i.e. not necessarily of the person, but surely - consciousness which in the highest expression possesses not only ability to feel in own carrier, but - also ability to understand, and including oneself.
If mentally to exclude consciousness, "having left" beingness as a repository of things alone in the residue, it becomes as a non-existence. What's the difference, there is something there or not? All the same anybody isn't present there. If, on the contrary, to exclude things, having left consciousness in loneliness, it at once loses life – there are no things, time, space, motion, – there are no and the existence as such, so as consciousness loses a support and at the same time - resistance of something, and without things consciousness has not objects neither for sensations, nor for speculations, nor for actions.
In other words, beingness doesn't exist out of consciousness, and consciousness is incapable to exist without things, what means the indissolubility of beingness and consciousness in the basis, i.e. - their unity.
Means, in the basis - out of time, or in an infinity, they make a single whole, and they can be designated as Uniform.
But separately, this Uniform is a timeless infinity, which without an exit to the finite is nothing more than nothingness which, nevertheless, contains potentially everything, and it capable of representing this everything, if there is an exit from this Uniform, since it is useless and meaningless for everything to remain in non-existence. And this exit exists, since we exist and can even think about a timeless infinity. It remains only to find out a possible way of unpacking this nothingness
We know that only the current time provides an opportunity to think and act, that is, to be active, which means that this activity can extend to unpacking a timeless infinity.
This means that in addition to a timeless infinity, the functioning of the entire system of Creation requires a structure that would be capable of evoking information from a timeless infinity and converting it into the current time, that is, into beingness, and for this, this structure must be active and along with that be a receiver and transmitter of information, as a result of which it is capable of automatically fitting into the life known to us, information about which is being transmitted by it to a timeless infinity, thereby implementing the functioning of the entire system through this mutual exchange.
Such active structure can only be a living thing, in which the active (consciousness) is associated with the passive (a protein composition, structured to enable it to receive, process, use and transmit information to obtain the ability to receive, process, use and transmit information)
Everything else, that is, the diverse passive in time, formed by the living in its entirety, is nothing more than an infrastructure for the existence and development of the living, which only alone "contains" consciousness.
In other words, the timeless is capable of manifesting itself only in time, and therefore Creation as a whole cannot but “be” dual, that is, both timeless and in the current time. And this temporary part of Creation, which is no longer in an absolutely fused timeless state (nothing), but in the form of beingness with various changing and moving objects in a certain space, is already capable of providing the opportunity for the manifestation of the active.
But, since the active has a “nature” and, accordingly, functions that differ substantially from the “nature” and functions of the passive things, the active does not unite with the passive, but only permeates it and thereby, as it were, includes it for the time of own development, becoming the controller of this temporary body for it, capable, in the presence of the active, which already becomes the consciousness of this body, of thinking and acting, that is, of living surrounded by things.
However, this living body has, as indicated above, another function - to convert the pulse packets of information coming from timeless infinity to the living at calling of its consciousness, into the current time, renewing both itself and all beingness, thereby maintaining the entire Creation as a system acting for the development of consciousness, in a change, that is possible only in beingness, that is, in the thick of events.
Be that as it may, the transient association of the active with the passive, that is, the finite, turns out to be a structure capable of thinking and acting due to the possibility now available to the active in the living to show dissatisfaction with the objects surrounding it in an effort to better arrange itself among them, but not in some, according to our current understanding, separate and unique being with all its planets and universes, but in the system of the universe with infinity outside of time and being with finite objects in the current time, functioning due to the presence of a constant communication channel between them.
Thus. the main and self-active of all these finite objects of beingness are living beings, representing an association of the active with the passive, and it is through them and by means of them, although they themselves do not know it, that the two-way information channel of communication of an infinity outside of time and beingness passes.
Through this channel, information from a timeless infinity, requested by the active (consciousness) in the living, is being converted into objects of beingness, continuously renewing them and thereby preserving them in a state of change, that is, in the current time.
Thus, if we designate the active in beingness as consciousness, then beingness cannot manifest itself in the absence of consciousness in it. In other words, if consciousness did not exist as such, then there would be no beingness – nothing would exist. This fact is, apparently, the root cause of the appearance in human consciousness of the concept of God the Creator.
However, due to science operating with facts based on observation, experiment, analysis and logic, it could not recognize the existence of a consciousness that is completely elusive to any observations and experiments, manifesting itself only in alive, which in itself indicates the limitations of science, which studies the beingness that is revealed only by the human senses and his thinking apparatus, but is not capable of penetrating beyond the limits established by it.
Nevertheless, scientists have asserted and continue to assert the limitless possibilities of science, relying on the laws it discovers that explain the functioning of existence, although it is clear that this beingness could only be seen by them within the framework of their own sense organs and the capabilities of the brain, and all other devices and even artificial intelligence could only be supports for the scientists’ mental activity.
Having rejected the existence of consciousness as an third- party formation capable of associating itself with the inanimate matter with the formation of living beings, scientists were forced to prove that consciousness arose at a certain stage of the self-motion of inanimate matter, which they have presented as self-development without any basis for this.
Moreover, it is also not explained who or what makes matter move and, in general, where this matter came from, that is, how self-moving matter suddenly appeared out of nothingness, which, again, suddenly produced living beings.
As a result, by now science has reached such dead end, which has forced at least some scientists to acknowledge the existence of God, while others have accepted with bewilderment the experimental fact that at a certain stage of the “fragmentation” of elementary particles, matter seems to disappear into nowhere, that is, into nothingness.
All these collisions only indicate that they, like everything else before, can be overcome by some new approach.
It is quite possible and even necessary to imagine that Creation as a whole, in contrast to the beingness we sense, is nothing integrally. If we admit this, then the question of where and how everything that exists came from disappears. It could not have come from anywhere, but was like nothingness outside of time, and like nothingness in time, if this nothingness is imagined as divided integrally. Moreover, the possibility of this assumption is confirmed by the existence of matter and antimatter, as well as the existence of wave formations in antiphase.
Thus, both of these "antipodes", being, as it were, separated, are capable of existing, in principle, eternally, that is, in time without sudden creation by some higher power, which, generally speaking, should also have come from somewhere, but it has nowhere to come from except from our minds.
As for self-motion, non-living, or the passive and homogeneous matter in its essence, is not capable of development, since it cannot perceive information due to the lack of appropriate sensors and centers for processing this information.
But we observe with our own eyes the development of the living matter within the framework of the nonliving, and no one has managed to create living matter from nonliving, despite all attempts, and it is clear why - these are different forms of matter, but capable of existing both separately and together. Together we must understand that the active, as it were, molds from the passive what it needs, and associates with it in order to get into the current time through this receiver and transmitter of information, in which, despite its artificiality, it is already possible to live and develop in this finite living infinitely, but discretely.
That is, living beings from an informational point of view resemble computers in a network, but with the difference that the living beings do not have a master-programmer and are mortal, although self-active, since they are built on a different principle than computers - they do not have "hard" programs, and a person even has free will.
In order to be convinced of this difference, one can compare the human brain and the system unit of a computer.
If in a computer, in accordance with the embedded programs, quite specific connections are established based on electrical signals, then in the human brain as a protein formation, these connections already have an electrochemical basis, and the connections between neurons are unstable and, as a rule, non-repetitive in many ways, allowing a person, in addition to template or programmed actions, to operate outside of logic, that is, to act non-standardly.
Therefore, willy-nilly, we have to admit that, in addition to passive (non-living) matter, together with it, it is quite possible and even necessary for some the active matter to exist, creating an impulse for the development of itself, possible only with use by it of the passive matter to form those conditions that allow this active to find itself in all sorts of changes.
And such changes are possible only in time.
Thus, again, we have to admit that time, meaningless for the passive, turns out to be necessary for the active, which creates it artificially, associating with the passive in the form of the living, which, as we know, even in its simplest form (bacteria, algae, ciliates) certainly has sensors for perceiving information (sense organs), a center for processing this information and a program in accordance with which the structure of this living being is formed and its growth, development, and reproduction (genome) are carried out.
Since the information comes to the sense organs of a living being in frequency-wave form in the form of successive impulses carrying this information, a certain duration is spent on processing each impulse packet. As a result, a living being is unable to notice the discreteness of these information packets, which thereby merge in its consciousness into a continuous flow, that is, each living being involuntarily falls into the artificial time that is current for it, which is being formed by it separately and together with other living beings, which can be qualified accordingly as the creature's own time and the calendar time of all living beings.
This time automatically presents to him, like a spectator at a movie show, but in volume, an environment corresponding to his senses, in which he can act within the framework of the time that is produced by all living beings together, since there is no one to produce time except living beings, and there is no need.
Thus, the flow of time, which is a derivative of the information coming into the sense organs, provides for a living being precisely those conditions that allow the active, as if penetrating the passive matter of a certain structure, reviving it, to find itself in the changes of the living being, that is, in the current time of its life, since the current time automatically produces a space in which the being can move and communicate with its own kind in the infrastructure of objects of the passive (inanimate) matter.
For example, the discovery that an elementary particle is also a wave can serve as a basis for the assumption that frequency-wave-like formations are capable of producing the “solid” matter, that is, reality can be dual and at the same time – capable of being combined.
In addition, it is completely meaningless to talk about the self-development of the inanimate matter – this is an oxymoron, since If to present matter in the form of a certain formation, which in itself moves and always moved, and in this motion forms all the rest including consciousness, then, first, if to prove that motion is visibility, more precisely, that it is secondary, appearing only owing to technical transformation of process of updating of information copies of things in consciousness of the living beings into motion, then there cannot be any self-development of matter. Secondly, it has long been proven that the genome of any living being is so complex that in any case it couldn't self-assemble. Nevertheless, alive exists, and even exist self-conscious living beings, that is, people themselves. Thirdly, since it is recognized that self-development is ongoing as an unceasing progress, then for it there must be initial and final conditions.
The inanimate, as such, is not capable of existing without the active in the form of various objects, since it is the active that gives them form by using the appropriate information, something that the inanimate objects themselves are not capable of. But the active can also manifest itself in existence only in the form of the living, which is an association of the active and the inanimate.
It follows that if time is a derivative of information and comes from living beings (is automatically formed by them), then in addition to the structure with the current time (beingness), there are also structures outside of time, on the basis of which being itself functions with current time. That is, Creation is a system that includes both the temporal and timeless structures.
To this we can also add that not long ago a discovery was made that confirms the existence of connections between objects outside of time. This discovery is the principle of holography, which indicates the presence of, in addition to beingness, of its holographic basis, without which it is not capable of existing, since the hologram shows the possibility of connecting all the elements of some whole outside of time, as well as the fact that each part of the hologram repeats the whole - all in one, indicating the unity of all that exists.
Thus, a hologram can serve as a bridge that connects, in quality of a projection of a timeless nothingness this nothingness and beingness into a single system functioning according to certain laws – Creation.
Therefore, a few words should be said about the hologram as the key bridge that connects nothingness and beingness.
In a hologram, any of its sections repeats the whole.
The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite set of the active particles, and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from an infinity out of time by means and methods, which it is available, necessary for own existence the things in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with own mind (intellect), coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discrete, but infinitely, a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality in the form of a living thing in this information process.
Particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the association with copies of the passive in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from an infinity out of time the “necessary” copies of things (passive) for them to replace existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
This information process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is inseparably, and the holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires for interaction of the active and the passive as well as for interaction of the active with an infinity out of time the artificial union of the active and passive (see below) in one form or another of alive, the main difference of which from everything else is the ability to convert individual consecutive data packets, carrying encoded information, into objects of a current reality for their updating, including consciousness in alive.
These packets are similar to the pulsed signals from the transmitter via the ether to the television receiver, in which they are converted into a changing decorated picture on the screen.
That is, alive is also able to convert individual impulse signals containing information into a incessantly changing picture of the world due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in the minds of any living being nullifies pauses between incoming packets of information (the positions of the update), creating a continuous change in the whole picture, in which arise already real – more or less "dense" - objects, rather than frequency information copies of the active and the passive.
As a result, unlike a television set that only decrypts and converts into an image a scene, that has already been prepared in advance from an appropriate source, a living creature has the ability to change this picture in accordance with own needs, desires, at this, the person can change this picture also in accordance with own goals, communicating automatically through own sense organs through a hologram with an unmanifest infinity, although, in the whole, the process of updating beingness is regulated by a single consciousness of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
As a result, for the consciousness of a living creature arises in motion (energy) shifting world of events - the current reality, or beingness, in which it is already possible to live in one's own present, but in the frameworks of general time.
In other words, the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which carry in their harmonics corresponding encoded information, is converted into the mass and energy of objects of the current reality, which are related to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E = mc².
By doing so, we can imagine the active as an ultra-high frequency wave-like formation in a hologram - a projection of an infinity out of time. The harmonics of this formation are a series of programs, allowing to arise, grow, develop and act correspondingly to the structured matter in the form of the association the particles of the active of a hologram and the particles of the passive, caused by the active from the unmanifest infinity. The hologram also accumulates the information from all living beings. Each section of the hologram contains the information about the entire hologram, that is, everything is contained in each part, which means that each particle of the active is connected to the entire hologram out of time, having thereby the possibility to use any information from the databases of the hologram.
Thus, the active in a separate living being coincides with the corresponding part of the hologram of the projection of a timeless infinity, allowing it to control this active (individual consciousness) in being.
The active, presenting in all living beings, is consciousness of alive, which is in it, because only it is able to extract by means of the organs of senses and the information processing center of the body in accordance with the existing form-building abilities own information copies as well as copies of things from an infinity out of time through a hologram, sequentially converting them into all objects of beingness - from universes up to the micro-world, from living beings to the favorable environment, around them.
For this reason, life exists in all corners of the universes, sometimes dying out, but arising again here and there, because without it, consciousness (the active) cannot develop, and, in turn, nothingness, or a timeless infinity, exits of non-existence, that is, receives life in its finite forms, which lasts indefinitely.


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