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Are we under external management?

Просмотр работы:
28 июля ’2024   00:06
Просмотров: 467


There are various theories about a person, for example, that he is not an independent entity, and his life is predetermined from above, although it is not clear why, or, on the contrary, that a person exists by oneself in his disposable life, which is not determined by anyone but himself. There is also an opinion that a person has free will, but it is always limited by circumstances. There are quite a few variations of these considerations, but all of them are essentially groundless. Therefore, we must try to find facts that will serve as some basis for determining whether a person is controlled by someone or something or not?

Key words: information, hologram, alive, person, consciousness, time.

There are two main approaches to the emergence of all alive, including humans.
One of them is that all living things arose from the inanimate, but scientists have not received evidence of it, despite repeated attempts to do so.
Another approach is that some otherworldly creature created the whole world suddenly, including the living beings.
The most preposterous thing about these approaches is that they do not clarify the reason why suddenly inanimate matter or God produced the whole world with living beings acting for their own considerations, which naturally makes these approaches inadequate.
An attempt to correct this situation was made relatively recently by the Swedish philosopher Bostrom, who replaced God with a programmer. This super-programmer, according to Bostrom, produced our world, just as is done in computer games, in which its inhabitants are instilled with such a consciousness in which they perceive everything around them as an objective reality, not suspecting that this reality is just a computer illusion [1].
This attempt to explain the emergence of the world on the basis of computer technology also did not find an answer to the same question: where did this programmer himself come from, that is, who created him.
Therefore, the problem of the existence of a world known to us, governed in accordance with laws, which were found and applied by unclear by whom, is adjacent to the problem of identifying the reason for the emergence of this world. The latter problem, perhaps, does not exist at all, since this world, more precisely, Creation, did not arise, but was, in our understanding, always. That is, it is eternal, infinite, but changeable, and its structure contains not only beingness with all its universes, the number of which is also infinite, but our observation and study is subject only to the beingness, in which we are, according to the organs of senses of a person, the capabilities of the human brain and the available devices and apparatus created by a person.
Be that as it may, both of these problems still remain unresolved, and this is understandable, since science operates within the framework of axiomatic-experimental approaches using logic, which do not allow the study of what is outside this framework, whereas everything that is beyond the limits of the human organs of senses has a right to exist under the name “otherworldly,” which should be as material as our world. In particular, if we had a larger set of sense organs and other brain capabilities, then the world around us would be different from the present one.
Nevertheless, some researchers have tried to clarify the situation at least with the existing picture of the world, moving away from its superficial appearance (macrocosm and microcosm) into the depths, and they found in a number of experiments some facts that, in our opinion, can be interpreted in this way, that, not only the problem of the rather strange existence of the world known to us is resolved, but also the problem of the reason for this eternal, and not at all one-time, existence of Creation at the behest of someone or simply spontaneously, that is, by chance, as modern science claims, which in itself is absurd.
One such researcher is Stanford University neuroscientist Karl Pribram, who works in the field of brain research.
Pribram has come to the conclusion about the holographic picture of the world [2], reflecting over a riddle, where and as memoirs are stored in a brain. Numerous experiments for decades showed that information is stored not in any particular site of a brain, and is dispersed on all volume of a brain. The researcher of a brain Karl Lashley in a number of decisive experiments in the twenties the last century has found out that irrespective of the fact which a site of a brain of a rat was deleted, he could not achieve disappearance of the conditioned reflexes received by a rat before the operation. The only problem consisted that nobody could offer the mechanism explaining property of memory "all in each part".
Later, in the sixties, Pribram faced with the principle of a holography and understood that he found the explanation which neurophysiologists looked for. Pribram is sure that memory is contained not in neurones and not in groups of neurones, but - in series of the nervous impulses, "braiding" a brain just as a laser beam "braids" the piece of the hologram containing all image entirely. In other words, Pribram is sure that the brain is the hologram.
The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
Pribram's hypothesis also explains how a human brain can store so many memoirs in such small volume. It is supposed that the human brain is capable to remember about 10 billion bits for all life.
It was revealed that one more feature can be added to the properties of holograms - the huge density of record. Simply changing a corner under which lasers light a photographic film, it is possible to write down many various images on the same surface. It was shown that one cubic centimeter of a film is capable to store to 10 billion bits of information.
ur supernatural ability to fast identification of the necessary information from the enormous volume of our memory becomes clearer with accepting the fact that the brain works by the principle of the hologram. If you ask that occurred to you at the word "zebra", you should not shuffle mechanically lexicon to find the answer. Associations to the words "striped", "horse" and "lives in Africa" appear in your head instantly.
Really, one of the most surprising properties of the human thinking is that each piece of information is correlated instantly and mutually with any another - one more quality inherent to the hologram. As any site of the hologram is infinitely interconnected with any other out of time, it is quite possible that it is the highest natural exemplar of cross and correlative systems.
Thee whereabouts of memory is not the single neurophysiological riddle which became more solvable in the light of the holographic model of brain of Pribram. Another riddle is how the brain is capable to translate such avalanche of frequencies, which it perceives by various sense organs (light frequencies, audio frequencies and so on), in our concrete conception about the world. Coding and decoding of frequencies is procedures with which the hologram it copes best of all. Just as the hologram serves as some kind of lens, the sending device, capable to turn as if a senseless mash of frequencies in the concrete image, so and a brain, according to Pribram, contains such lens and uses the principles of a holography for mathematical processing of frequencies from sense organs in an inner world of our perceptions [2].
Pribram's thought that our brain designs mathematically "solid" reality, relying on entrance frequencies, also received the experimental confirmation. It was revealed that any of our sense organs possesses the much bigger frequency range of the susceptibility, than it was supposed earlier. In particular, researchers found out that our organs of vision are susceptible to audio frequencies, that our olfaction depends on what that now is called as "osmotic frequencies" and what even cells of our body are sensitive to a wide frequency range. Such finds suggest an idea that it is work of holographic part of our consciousness which transform separate chaotic frequencies to the continuous perception.
But, the most curious aspect of Pribram's holographic brain model, if compared with Bohm's theory of the holographic nature of the universe [see, e.g., 3], is that if the visible physical density of the world is only a secondary reality, and what "there", actually is only a holographic set of frequencies, and if a brain - too the hologram and a brain only chooses some frequencies from this set and mathematically converts them to sensory perception, what remains on a share of objective reality?
The theory of the holographic Universe can be only by any approximation to truth, but it, nevertheless, visually illustrates our idea that, being divided on particles that are diverse in their development, consciousness along with that remains one. However, the opinion Bohm about illusiveness of the Universe is exaggerated because from the description of creation of the holographic image of object, for example, an apple follows that it is impossible without the material carrier, which, in particular, (terrestrial holography) is laser radiation – quite material.
In return the holographic model also shows that the consciousness is not brain function, and, on the contrary, the brain is controlled by consciousness, more precisely, the brain is the instrument of the consciousness, which, thus, in case of death of the brain, does not perish. In the holographic reality the thought, eventually, is as well real, as consciousness.
If we sequentially consider the results of Pribram’s research, a unusual picture of beingness emerges, which, judging by the facts discovered, is nothing more than a derivative of a set of holographic frequencies.
However, Pribram did not find the answer to the question of how holographic vibrations are converted into “solid” reality, where they are and how they can exist where nothing else exists, including time itself.
Therefore, it was necessary, based on the results obtained by him, to construct as a first approximation a new structure of Creation, including beingness known to us. But, besides it, the key objects of Creation are a timeless infinity, potentially containing everything, as well as a ultra-high-frequency formation in the form of a hologram containing active and passive components that manifest themselves in beingness, that is, within the framework of the current time in the form of the passive (dead) objects and associations of the active and the passive in the form of living beings, which, in fact, form the current time with all its attributes, that is, space and objects that move and change in it [see, for example, 4].
Along with that, the active, or consciousness, being a hologram, cannot itself be clearly present in the “solid” reality of beingness, since itself forms it through a complex passive structural formation based on proteins (organism), which it seems to cover, making it alive, that is, capable, in contrast to the usual passive in the form of inanimate matter, at a minimum, of feeling and thinking.
This happens for the reason that in any living being there are sensory organs that perceive the frequency fluctuations and an internal computer that processes the received data, eventually converting them into both images and objects of beingness, surrounding living beings, including themselves, that is, updating them and themselves constantly by the choice of some frequencies from this set of frequencies and mathematically converting them into sensory perceptions.
But this process of the updates that is so important to change them, is automatic, more precisely, under the control of a single consciousness of a hologram, and the change itself, which is being marked by living beings both in themselves and in changes in environment around them, occurs as a result of the automatic formation of the current time by them, which is created for them due to the fact that they do not perceive a pause between impulse signals coming to the senses. In particular, in human perception, the pause disappears due to the delay of these impulses when passing through nerve fibers, at the same time, for the simplest creatures, this pause is skipped in perception due to the delay required for processing the current packet of information in it by the corresponding information processing center.
Thus, for a person the information is being formed by the separate portions in the present arriving for processing by consciousness, represented by its material executor in the current reality - the brain, that occupies a certain part of every instant in their sequence. This process goes every moment and has specific duration.
The general information packet for every moment passes to brain neurons from different human organs in the form of the sequences of nervous pulses, in each of which the relevant information is included. The speed of distribution of the nervous pulses fluctuates in the range from 1 m/s to 120 m/s. Frequency and character of the pulse sequence, bearing, in particular, the visual information, depend on intensity and spectral content of light, and value and duration of each separate pulse does not depend by nature and powers of irritation.
Directly after the pulse generation, the nervous fiber is in, a so-called, the refractory state and can't be excited again during 1-2 milliseconds, i.e. the nervous fiber is able to conduct nervous pulses with a frequency not higher than 500 Hz. The duration of the pulse which is passing along a nervous fiber makes shares of millisecond in every moment, and, in principle, there can't be more than a lag time, i.e. than the duration of restoration of a nervous fiber (a refractory state).
The pause between the nervous pulses, containing information, means that they don't go continuously. However, this pause together with shorter interval of processing of a signal in every moment is below a threshold of sensations and therefore doesn't get to consciousness: in particular, the moving picture for consciousness of a person is provided with an interval between the running consecutive shots about 0.04 seconds, which makes the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, more than an order of the magnitude greater than the duration of a pause. Therefore, the forming the discrete sequential moments of the own time of a person, which include in its sequence all patterns and all events of life for a person, merge in the continuous, indivisible flow in his consciousness [see, for example, 4].
Therefore, almost everything around us, both for a person and for other living beings, turns from the frequency into “solid” reality in which one can live and develop, but this kind of artificial reality is based not on something illusory, but on completely material ultra-high-frequency holographic formations.
Pribram, like Bohm, did not think about these topics, but the facts they noted during the experiments clearly show that the visible physical density of the world is only a secondary reality, which is to a certain extent artificial in nature, since it is formed in detail and in general by living beings under the control and with the participation of a single consciousness of a hologram in the form of the current time, suggesting a space in which the passive and living objects, making up totality beingness, known to us, can move and change.
That is, without the living beings that form the current time, beingness is deprived of this time and becomes non-existence, although potentially in this timeless non-existence, or nothingness, there is everything, but only the living beings can revive this, that is, make it all move and develop, which in the face of person, among other things, it is available the fixation, the opportunity to understand and use the current time for one’s own purposes, and of all living beings, only people, the only ones aware of themselves in time, comprehend their own mortality, which in itself makes their life not only sensed, but meaningfully-tragic, forcing them to experience it not only within the framework of specific benefits, but also of culture.
Thus, if we accept the hypothesis of the holographic basis of Creatin, then it can be noted that beingness,
Thus, if we accept the hypothesis of the holographic basis of Creation, then it can be noted that beingness, which seems to us so reliable, substantial, boundless, consistent with certain laws, containing the macro- and microcosm, elementary particles and radiation, galaxies and living beings, has no more than information in its foundation, more precisely, high-frequency holographic formations that carry information. They are integrally equal to zero for each update position due to the manifestation of each wave-like formation together with the same formation in the opposite phase. This kind of balance of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity corresponds to the most a timeless infinity, which is nothingness, becoming everything only through its own projection in in quasi-time, when converting its the frequency formations into beingness.
In this process there cannot be a beginning and an end because the dual system of Creation is stable in its functioning and manifestation, that excludes non-existence due to the interaction of the infinite and the finite.
This system not only does not have a mover, but is also formally nothing, being integrally zero in any position. Therefore, there is nothing for it to “fall apart”, there is no need to begin and end itself.
On the other hand, the system of Creation is not capable of dividing into an independent timeless infinity and a separate holographic projection - it constitutes a single whole, in which the formative active is fueled by the passive, which loses its form in the finite formations.
The passive, losing its form in the finite (being), thereby restores the form of the active during their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic form and formative abilities due to collapsing the passive in beingness, but it, “calling up” the passive from a timeless infinity in the form of information copies for the duration of the existence of this finite, restores the form of the passive and changes it. Thus, by turning to the finite in the form of the passive that loses its form, the active through alive becomes the eternal in form, properties and can hold the entire system of Creation in actual existence.
Each copy of a thing is a frequency updated structure of one type or another, which is “converted” in the individual consciousness through the senses and centers for processing incoming information of the carrier of consciousness into specific things. At the same time, the things that appear in their totality constitute, in particular, the human environment, and their coherence and movement are determined by the specificity of the passage of information through the indicated channels, as a result of which the pauses between pulses (packets of information entering the senses) are being excluded.
Thus, a few words should be said about the current time, which is divided by the population into the past, present and future, although according to the frequency source it is only the present, which is being formed by living beings in the following way.
In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose unity with the entire united and multiple infinite set of active particles and therefore can, in the form of a living being with the help of this unity to recognize, read and copy from a timeless infinity, in which, indeed, there is potentially everything that seems to us to be the past, present and future, by the means available to it, things necessary for its own existence in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with her understanding, coupled with formative abilities, in the way she wants and can, renewing every “moment” of oneself in the form of a live being, as well as and the surrounding objects of beingness, that is, discretely, but infinitely, through a holographic projection of a timeless infinity as a quasi-temporal basis for one’s own existence in the current reality in the form of the living beings in this information process.
Particles-copies of the active (consciousness) in combination with copies of the passive in the current reality are able to thereby receive from a timeless infinity the copies of things they “need” (passive) to replace existing copies of things in existence, including to replace their own material basis, and also update themselves.
This information process of interaction between a timeless infinity, where everything is fused, and a holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires for their interaction with each other, as well as with a timeless infinity, the artificial unification of the active and the passive into one form or another of alive, the main difference of which from everything other things is the ability to convert the individual sequential data packets, carrying the encoded information through a hologram from a timeless infinity, into objects of current reality for their updating, including consciousness in the form of alive. These packets are similar to the pulse signals from the transmitter through the aether to the television receiver, in which they are converted into a changing decorated picture on the screen.
That is, alive is also able to convert the individual pulse signals containing information into a continuously changing picture of the world due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in the consciousness of any living being skips the pauses between incoming packets of information (update positions), creating continuity of change in the entire picture, in which already real - more or less "dense" - objects appear, and not frequency information copies of the active and the passive.
However, unlike a television receiver, which only deciphers and translates into an image a picture already prepared in advance from the corresponding source, a living being has the opportunity to change this picture in accordance with its needs, desires, and a person - also goals in accordance with his own needs, communicating automatically through their own organs of senses through a hologram with a infinity out of time, although, in general, the process of renewal of beingness is being regulated by a single consciousness of a holographic projection of infinity out of time.
As a result, for the consciousness of a living being, a changing event world arises in movement (energy) - current reality, or beingness, in which one can already live in one’s own present, but within the framework of the general current time.
In other words, the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity, which carry the corresponding encoded information in their harmonics, is converted into mass and energy of objects of current reality, which correspond to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E=mc².
Thus, the active is a ultra-high-frequency wave-like formation in a hologram - a projection of unmanifested infinity. The harmonics of this formation represent a series of programs that allow the emergence, growth, development and action of appropriately structured matter (alive) in the form of an association of active hologram particles and passive particles called from the unmanifested infinity.
The hologram also accumulates information coming from all living things. Each section of the hologram contains information about the entire hologram, that is, everything is contained in each part, which means the timeless connection of each active particle with the entire hologram and thereby the ability to use any information from the hologram databases.
The active, implicitly present in all living things, more precisely, covering every organism, represents its individual consciousness, which is present both in the hologram and in a living being, since, accordingly, it is inseparable from the hologram outside the current time, and along with that - separated in its individuality in the current time in the living thing in order to extract, through the senses and the information processing center of the body in accordance with the existing formative abilities, his own information copies and copies of things from a unmanifested infinity through a hologram, consistently converting them into objects of beingness - from universes to the microcosm, from themselves up to the favorable environment surrounding them, thereby making Nothingness (an infinity outside of time) actual.
The disappearance of consciousness, despite the completely preserved body, as we can observe, means that it falls into the rank of dead objects, which suggests that with the complete disappearance of consciousness (active), everything also becomes dead everywhere, or rather, becomes non-being. However, we do not see this. This means our hypothesis about the holographic basis of Creation, which, on the one hand, is just a projection of a timeless infinity, but, on the other hand, - an active bridge through living things to beingness (current time), makes sense, despite the fact that scientific research and observations of something are outside of time impossible.
What is the active in beingness, becoming the consciousness of living beings in it, transforms, collects, accumulates and transmits information, acting through living things, but only in order to live and develop in the form of living things in the information flow, which manifests itself for all living things as current reality (beingness) with things moving in it, the set of which is a derivative of their organs of senses, both individually and collectively. Along with that, the accumulated information from each individual consciousness in living being is being transferred to the hologram database, that is, for a single consciousness with the goal further joint use.
Thereby, the active in beingness, that is, each individual consciousness in the form of a living thing is a producer, product, dynamic carrier and transmitter of information about itself and the environment, and, in order to avoid the general stagnation, on the one hand, it replenishes the available information of the hologram in interaction with other types of individual consciousness in alive, continuously transmitting it into the hologram databases, and on the other hand, each individual consciousness in the form of the living consistently replenishes the own information base through a hologram from the inexhaustible reservoir of an infinity outside of time, ensuring its own endless development.
The beingness, in which we find ourselves, is a complex hierarchical structure of an infinite series of universes with inhabited planets and other paraphernalia, which is a material derivative (“solid” reality in Pribram’s terminology) of a ultra-high-frequency structure - a hologram that carries the information from living beings through it and back from a timeless infinity for its subsequent conversion into various objects, and manifestations in this environment of living beings.
You can read more about this in my work “Everything and Nothingness” [4].
Thus, a person, who is the only one of all living beings who is aware of his own actions in time, is the supplier of the most diverse information for a single consciousness due to the endless change in his thoughts, images and feelings in their various combinations, creating a stimulus for the endless development of consciousness.
But this is only possible because a person is not on the “chain” of a single consciousness. That is, he is not managed by it unambiguously and directly, up to the predetermination of his actions, but he feels, thinks and acts purely individually and not infallibly, that is, freely, but relatively freely, because he is within certain circumstances, which are being created not only by him, but and his surroundings. A single consciousness only controls the functioning of each organism, from any cell to their entire aggregate in the body, creating capability its efficiency in the environment, since each organism is a complex factory, the management of which is accessible only to a single consciousness, and about which science only partially guesses.
In other words, a single consciousness uses each person for its own change and development, since it covers him individually during life, and at the same time combines all these life impressions of countless lives, whereas a person himself, considering himself to a certain extent independent - and this really so - simply lives in accordance with his considerations, abilities, circumstances and environment the term, allotted to him, not noticing the connection of his own organism with a single consciousness and not realizing his own role in Creation, which, in fact, without living beings would be presented simply as nothingness in in the full sense of the word.
Nevertheless, each person is aware of his belonging to a single consciousness and of own individual role in development of a single consciousness at the time of the death of his own body, when his individual consciousness, disconnecting with the body, becomes a single consciousness of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity in accordance with his holographic essence, but without losing his own accumulated personality during the past life.


1. Nick Bostrom. (April 2003). “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation” Philosophical Quarterly. 53(211): 243-255.
2. Karl Y. Pribram. Languages of the brain: Experimental paradoxes and principles in neuropsychology. 1971. Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3/ Identifier B-001-014-181
3. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2
4. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Everything and Nothingness: 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.


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