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How is the decline of the present civilization manifested?

Литература / Мемуары, публицистика / How is the decline of the present civilization manifested?
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04 февраля ’2024   00:05
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Infinity, not existing in itself, manifests itself only through the finite. Therefore, the development of civilization cannot last indefinitely with the capture of more and more space, as many futurologists believe. Sooner or later it comes to a natural end, but after some time it arises again, again collapsing, etc. Here the reasons due to which the collapse of each technological civilization occurs are identified and analyzed.

Key words: civilization, humanity, information, singularity, collapse, time, self-consciousness.

The existence of planetary civilizations, as the history of the Earth shows, is by no means a continuous process: civilization arises, develops up to a certain limit with acceleration and disintegrates with the onset of the singularity point. Then the process is repeated. Any civilization of the three-dimensional world will face an inevitable end, and not necessarily for external reasons.
Internal contradictions also play a role and the ending, which is determined to some extent by them, can be fast or slow. The fast final is a fast-flowing crash of a civilization with the destruction of all its structures (the typical for technological civilizations); the slow - long stagnation in simplified structures in equilibrium with the environment.
Some researches were devoted to a subject of condensing of time periods between critical events up to a final point. This approach is based on concept of the singularity, used John von Neumann in the middle of XX century. The singularity, if not to mean its astrophysical comprehension, represents a point behind which extrapolation starts giving senseless results.
The historian I. M. Diakonoff paid attention in 1994 to a singularity point, or the limit point on a time axis where historical cycles are reduced which are shrink in compliance with the law of the regressions: "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the I phase passed not less than 30 thousand years, II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, III phase - about 2 thousand years, IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, VII phase - a little more than 100 years, duration of VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or more true, to the point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed according to the exponential schedule likewise …" [1].
Diakonoff's schedule may be completed up to the vertical line. In this case, the point of singularity will lie for 2022.
Definition of a technological singularity appeared after Diakonoff's works: the technological singularity is the hypothetical moment after which technical progress becomes such fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to comprehension. The technological singularity as a result of development of nanotechnologies was considered in the report of 2007 of the Commission on economic policy of the Congress of the USA, as start date of a singularity was called 2020, according to another prognosis — 2030. Basic idea of this conclusion is the corollary from the law of Moore (an empirical conclusion from the observed speed of development of technologies): somewhere between 2025 and 2035 the computing power of separate computers will be made even to the "crude" computing power of a human brain, and then and will surpass it.
The given dates are close to each other and they also are close to the present time. The question is only in interpretation of the specified process, i.e. what will happen in the singularity point with the world civilization.
The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development approaches with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
The beginning of informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
As a rule, a point of a singularity interpreted as transition to the new, improved condition. However, this point can be a bifurcation point, with possibility of transition to a condition of another type of a civilization, if available type of a civilization cannot exist, for example, it can be transition in a state of an ecological civilization at refusal of the majority of the technologies applied earlier or it can be transition to a state of the complete disintegration of a civilization.
The civilizational system itself, being a shell for the existence of communities of beings with self-consciousness, arises at the level of development of self-consciousness of human communities, at which archaic communities turn from the common property to the private property relations.
Therefore, civilization, unlike any living being, does not possess consciousness, and its forms, including the complexity and diversity of state formations, follow the development of the collective self-consciousness of mankind, which is characterized by rapid development due to the thoughtfulness of the project-target activities in comparison with slow development and adaptability, which characteristic of fauna and flora.
The development of self-awareness in the system of civilization among its advanced representatives is in the central channel of information flows entering it, the content of which depends on the accumulation of knowledge and the development of culture of the inhabitants of the civilization system.
In this respect, civilization is a derivative formation of the collective consciousness of its inhabitants, that is, their shell, and it, in the form of the advanced states that make it up, changes only at tipping points, recalling mutations in the genome of an organism, leading it, like civilization, to decline or progress.
More details about these points, manifested during the accumulation of dissatisfaction of the collective consciousness in one or the other states during the development of civilization, are explained in in one of my works [2. Chapter 6].
Thus, any civilizational system is "empty" in the sense that it is not independent. Like an anthill, it is only a convenient shell with an appropriate structure for the actions of living beings with self-consciousness.
Civilization by itself does not exist without people, while any living creature can be quite autonomous, forming appropriate conditions for itself (own time) within the limits of own mind and organs of senses in various ways.
But, as a rule, the living beings unite in certain communities, for example, bees unite in roy, outside of which they do not survive. In addition, the living beings can interact in anthills, coral formations, civilization systems, etc.
In other words, any civilization without the inhabitants is the empty "beehive" - it quickly turns into dust, losing them. This direct dependence of so difficult organization from the "small", as it seems, residents once again shows the dominating role of living beings in Creation, which is nothingness without them. Along with that without civilization, with its disappearance, already civilized people, losing their "accommodation", quickly run wild, and their most part dies in hunger and cold. Therefore, living beings (consciousness) also can't be absolutely independent, needing always a thingness support for themselves.
So, civilizations can be qualified as formations, derivative from living beings, more precisely, level of their self-consciousness. Existence of any civilization completely depends on these beings, but time of existence of civilizations is determined not by time of life of a separate being, but by time of development of all community of living beings, i.e. by the course of the accelerating process of receiving and processing of information by all variable set of the living beings, constituting a civilization which can end not only due to external cataclysms, but also with an excess of incoming information, that leads to impossibility to process it by the means, available to the civilization. The living beings of system at this not necessarily perish in full set, but can form through certain interval the new system similar former, or the system based on other principles of existence [3. Chapter 2].
In addition, a civilization can arise outside the evolutionary process, however, one can only guess about the way of this origin, but, judging by the artifacts, this happened on Earth more than once, in particular, before the appearance of mammals [4. Chapter 3].
Thus, any civilization is a kind of optimal shell, or a kind of atmosphere, not just for the existence of the living beings, but for the most rapid development of their consciousness, the proof of which is the accelerated development of their self-consciousness, but not their biological structure (for the period of existence of the civilization known to us, people have not changed either externally or organically). At the same time, however, the complex system of civilization is not built by them consciously, but automatically - within the framework of adaptation to the environment around them, which they also create and change.
In other words, the developing collective self-consciousness does not have a direct impact on the development and change of the forms of civilization, but manifests itself indirectly through the spontaneous dissatisfaction of self-consciousness by the present, requiring improvement of living conditions, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the change in civilization depends on the struggle between self-consciousness and natural consciousness. whose aspirations, as we have already indicated above, are usually opposite.
Currently, a question has arisen that has never previously appeared in the minds: how to stay alive despite the digitalization and immersion of people in the virtual world of the Internet, depriving them of all sensations except auditory and visual, as well as depriving them of the direct communication, that is, - the development of their consciousness in the living affairs and the direct contact?
The main consequence of this process is the emergence of a special kind of people who are turned into something similar to robots in virtual space, what in fact, makes them by half-dead organisms, in which the animal consciousness is actually disconnected from effective interaction with self-consciousness, as a result of which the driving force of social development and the development of consciousness as a whole is eliminated, which depends on the interaction of animal consciousness and self-consciousness of each person, as well as their collective prototypes.
Thus, a rather curious phenomenon is currently taking place: fully developed people themselves withdraw themselves from the living space into the artificial world of communication outside ordinary life with constant communication in it among themselves.
This is greatly facilitated by the power elites of self-interest, which believe that such semi-robots are easier to control, indoctrinating them what is required by the power elites at the moment thanks to remote communication via the Internet with its impoverished and undeveloped world of human shadows, that is, there is a transition of people from real life to direct information flows, deprived of life in all its main manifestations - from normal nutrition to the desire for reproduction and direct dominance.
That is, similar immersion of a person's in the world of pure information instead of immersion in the living world in the form of beingness denies the deployment of the living world, in which self-consciousness can be developed.
But this world of the Internet, devoid of living development in direct communication, which is just a shadow of a hologram, is unsuitable for life, and life quickly fades away in it, since the reproductive factor, that is, the factor of procreation, loses its role in this virtual world.
Thereby, the departure of a person into the digital world of the Internet, or information flows that give nothing to his consciousness, except for a convenient and safe semblance of life, during which there is almost nothing to worry about, is an indicator of the decline of the modern civilization, since it inevitably leads to the extinction of the population of developed countries capable of creative, that is, activities that develop civilization and society.
Naturally, a holy place is never empty, and this advanced population will rather quickly be replaced by wild peoples who will gradually lose all the technologies that make society comfortable, not to mention a culture that is simply inaccessible to them, since familiarizing with it or creating their own culture requires long time and appropriate conditions.
Therefore, we have to state: similar introduction of developed individuals, who in a significant number are capable of creative activity, to fruitless streams of information means nothing more than the cessation of the development of their self-awareness, while, on the other hand, the accumulation of information that the human brain is unable to cope with, means the arrival of information collapse, as a result of which all superstructures of civilization ruin.
If we look at modern civilization from the point of view of its governing structures, then it is quite clearly seen that the decayed and mired in senseless luxury, the power elites of most countries of the world with their prevailing animal consciousness at all costs want to maintain own positions, not trying to look even into the near the future, since they by consciousness of semi-primates are not able to think strategically, engaging only in squabbles and tactical tricks for the sake of maintaining power and the resulting pleasant position for them.
In essence, in an era of global crisis, they are trying to establish an order in society that resembles a hierarchy of flocks of monkeys with its strict regulation and unconditional subordination of the weaker to the stronger, which is quite consistent with their dominant animal consciousness. But they, unlike the monkeys, are cunning, unprincipled and quite smart tactically.
Therefore, the power elites are currently trying to limit the freedom of the rest of the inhabitants of the planet by any possible means, with the help of various specialists and advisers, and if possible, reduce the number of its population, making the remaining, in fact, by own voiceless servants.
Those in power in every possible way support the expansion of the electronic information coverage of the population, which, using everywhere one-time prompts from a smartphone on any issue, is gradually losing the opportunity to independently accumulate knowledge and learn to think by own mind. Taking into account the degradation of the education system, supported in every possible way by the power elites, befuddlement of the population is proceeding at a very energetic pace.
But the authorities especially liked the coronavirus, or rather, what can be extracted from this very contagious disease. This, most likely, an artificial virus, allowed them to simply destroy the basic rights of the population, won by them in a long-term struggle with the authorities, putting this population at home whenever they want, and also restricting its right to the free moving even in developed countries.
If desired, the power elites can, with the help of the coronavirus, or rather by mass vaccination of the population, significantly reduce its number, not only because vaccines have not passed many years of testing for the health safety of both vaccinated and their subsequent generations, but also because these vaccines can always be mixed with certain additives that can have a detrimental effect on the population in the direction of its reduction, for example, by depriving women of the opportunity to have children, even more so the population as a labor resource is for the most part no longer required due to the automation of most technological processes in almost all sectors of the economy.
Naturally, similar policy, which boils down to measures contributing to the general degradation of the population, actually deprives the consciousness of development in alive. Therefore, the time of such a decadent civilization is coming to an end, as evidenced purely objectively by the upcoming information collapse.
You can, of course, be suspicious of such forecasts, saying to yourself: everything will be grinded, there will be flour, but so far everything that is happening demonstrates the decomposition of the governing structures of the leading countries of the world, and revitalization of crowds of immigrants from backward tribes and peoples. in anticipation of the pozhiva.
Civilizations are scattered through all universes. They exist only up to the point of singularity, being formed at the appropriate level of development of consciousness of living beings, i.e. when more and more awakening consciousness demands bigger degree of separation from the environment. And on Earth during its existence on its surface at the suitable conditions, including the physical, climate, flora, fauna, and so on, according to the preserved artifacts, acted dozens of civilizations like ours.
Be that as it may, it is still impossible to unambiguously predict fast or not too collapse of civilization, since it may in the near future take on a form that is unexpected for our present ideas, but nevertheless, with a greater probability, our civilization, like all the previous earthly civilizations before it, will simply disappear, and a new civilization will once emerge in its place, which, most likely, like most past earthly civilizations before it, will also go through all the stages of development known to us, depending on the level of development of the collective self-consciousness of its inhabitants, since it is this civilizational renewal that is required for the development of consciousness through its carriers, of which the most the advanced a person is.


1. Дьяконов И.М. Пути истории. От древнейшего человека до наших дней. КомКнига. Москва. 2007г.
2. Nizovtsev Yu. The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
3. Nizovtsev Yu. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
4. Nizovtsev Yu. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.


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