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«Неизвестный Гений»

A person in sleep and in waking

Просмотр работы:
14 мая ’2023   00:05
Просмотров: 3160

If we do not touch on physiology, then it should be noted: the processes that occur in sleep with a person, till now either obvious or incomprehensible, although there are enough assumptions of various kinds. But they have no convincing grounds. Therefore, it makes sense to try to find more or less convincing arguments explaining these processes, and not only, bearing in mind the regular losing of a person out of the activity during sleep.

Key words: information, time, consciousness, self-consciousness, person, intellect,
brain, environment, sleep, dreams, life, thinking.

Table of contents

Chapter 1.
Historical excursion.
Chapter 2.
Sleep as a pause for information modeling of behavior of the living being in waking.
Chapter 3.
About the difference and similarity of the functioning of the human consciousness in sleep and waking.


Let us first note that over the past 2.5 thousand years, the scientists were advancing various considerations about sleep and dreams, but, unfortunately, all their arguments about the mechanism and purpose of sleep, except for determining the procedure for some physicochemical processes that occur with a person during sleep do not have a solid foundation.
These considerations are either obvious, or plausible, but not proven, being at the level of conjecture, or they are erroneous.
Therefore, it makes sense to determine the purpose of sleep not only as a rest for the human body from daytime activities and its recovery, but also the difference and similarity in the functioning of human consciousness in a dream and in reality, bearing in mind the time of this functioning, as well as the role of sleep as a simulation of the human behavior in the wake state.
At the same time, an attempt was made to compare on the basis of certain facts of the behavior of the vast majority of people in reality with the process of his stay in the virtual world of sleep.
It is known that the developed living beings spend about a third of their life time on sleep.
Science defines sleep as periodically arising physiological state, opposite to the state of wakefulness, characterized, in contrast to wakefulness, by a reduced reaction to the world around.
The banality of this definition is obvious.
Therefore, it makes sense to try to go beyond it.
Physiologists, but not psychologists, have achieved some success in this respect.
Recently, physiologists have discovered that the brain and hormonal system of animals, including a person, produce two types of signals. One of these signals keeps you awake, while the other forces the body to sleep.
Fluctuations in the intensity of these signals, depending on the daily rhythms, make us sleep at night and wake up in the morning.
Violation of this procedure leads to the following negative consequences.
In the waking state, especially prolonged and increased activity of brain neurons leads to the accumulation of breaks and other DNA damages.
These breaks are eliminated in sleep, as the "range" of DNA movements grows approximately twice. Due to these movements, the chromosomes begin constantly to change their spatial configuration, and the number of molecules involved in the elimination of gaps in the genome reaches large values.
Thus, from the point of view of physiologists, sleep and all processes in neurons associated with it are necessary for the survival and maintenance of the body's performance, despite the fact that during sleep the dangers emanating from the environment are not perceived.
True, this discovery of physiologists only confirmed the idea of the ancient Greeks that sleep is needed for rest and recovery of the body, including, of course, the restoration of the brain.
It is also believed that in sleep there is a transfer of information from random access memory to a permanent one (memory consolidation) and reconsolidation, which eliminates unnecessary information, and also in a dream there is a process of forming future behavior based on the experience gained.
In addition, during a series of experiments, scientists discovered the existence of phases of slow and fast sleep, and that during sleep, short-term memory turns into long-term memory, and the brain gets rid of unnecessary information, that, in part, helps to adapt to changing life situations.
As for the phases of non-REM and REM sleep, their purpose has not yet been determined.
It was also noted that dreams proceed at a faster rate than identical events in reality, occupying a time interval that is several times smaller, but psychologists have not been able to explain this phenomenon.
Psychologists believe that visions in sleep, which are presented to them as a subjective perception of images from the senses, that arise in the mind of the sleeping person, occur mainly in the phase of REM sleep, when the brain activity is high. At the same time, psychologists believe that the indistinctness of the images that a person sees in a dream is nothing more than the process of forming his thoughts.
This approach of psychologists to dreams is influenced by their voluntarism, since they accept the physico-chemical processes occurring in the human brain, namely: the brain processing of information during sleep, partially reflected in dreams, for the subjective perception of images from the senses, whereas, on the contrary, dreams are fragmented, often mixed, but quite accurately repeat (copy) in certain combinations the corresponding passages of daytime events.
The latest research by psychologists led them to the idea that the visions in sleep are not a product of the imagination, but a response to actual problems and experiences, which is especially banal, because ancient philosophers talked about this.
Thus, progress in the study of sleep was achieved only by physiologists who have found that sleep contributes to the processing and storage of information, the elimination of unnecessary connections between neurons, and the removal of harmful products of neuronal activity from the brain. In addition, they found that sleep helps to eliminate damage to neurons, maintains the level of immunity, and restores the functioning of internal organs.
Psychologists, on the other hand, discuss the obvious or put forward only guesses - more or less dubious, probably for the reason that they study the external manifestations of consciousness without trying to understand its internal content at least at the level of digestible hypotheses.
Therefore, it makes sense to try to consider this problem from a different angle - from the standpoint of the consumption of information by every living being, including a person.

Chapter 1. Historical excursion.

Let us first present what is quite obvious in the procedure of sleep and dreams, as well as what is not obvious, but seems plausible, although not having solid evidence, and then - the erroneous, as has already been found out by now.
The ancient Greek historian Herodotus interpreted the dreams in this way: “Usually, after all, people see in sleep what they think about during the day” [1].
The ancient philosopher Artemidorus considered sleeps to be “the creation of various images…” [2, p. 32].
The famous ancient philosopher Plato claimed that in sleep it is possible to “peep” the otherworldly space, and in the process of falling asleep, the vivid images are created [3, p. 19-21]. A person, according to Plato, is able to “draw inspiration” from sleep [3, p. 353-358].
The equally famous ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle considered visions in sleep to be a physical phenomenon that cannot be the result of sensory perception or human opinion. He also claimed that our soul has a need to regenerate, which is why people sleep and have dreams.
Sleep, according to Aristotle, "restores strength." In a dream, “the sensual ability of the soul is inactive, immobile and, as it were, bound by fetters, it exists in the possibility, but it will be ready to perceive when it wakes up ... ... All night visions arise in the soul as a result of its daily activity of perception” [4, p. 454-455]. “Dreams are seen not only by people, but also by unreasonable animals… …In sleep it is impossible to truly predict the future” [5, p. 169-175].
Aristotle considered the prophetic dreams to be a fiction, although he pointed out that the visions in sleep in general make sense since they reflect reality, and therefore they can be believed to some extent, especially since coincidences happen. But at the same time, the lack of a rational explanation for the predictions based on the materials of the visions in sleep does not imply confidence in them [ibid.].
Aristotle believed that dreams inform a person about his own problems and provide an opportunity to pay attention to what, in the waking state, remained outside of attention; the soul in sleep is inseparable from the body [4, p. 423-432].
Hippocrates believed that the soul during sleep is not distracted by extraneous influences. Therefore, by studying dreams, we learn more about the soul itself [6, IV, p. 86].
Nietzsche argued that every dream provides an opportunity to comprehend the transitivity of things [7, p. 340].
Sleep, according to P. A. Florensky, allows you to get the "premonition" the existence of an “otherworldly” space. In sleep, time flies with incredible speed compared to the time perceived by a person in a waking state [8, p. 4-16].
Indeed, a certain additional space manifests in sleep, which Plato and Florensky called otherworldly, although, in fact, this is not space, but a complete database - a very extensive one, which is used during sleep by the intellect of consciousness, while in reality the human consciousness is limited, beyond a rare exception, the use of RAM.
The visions in sleep, according to Z. Freud, represent the desires that have come true [9].
All visions in sleep are nothing more than figurative copies of events that have already happened in reality, mostly in fragmentary form. Some of them are stored in long-term memory. Therefore, each individual consciousness in the process of sleep in the form of its own intellect, managing the brain - a living computer, is able to model various situations based on the information received during the day, combining certain episodes of the past with it, while reminding a computer working according to appropriate programs, which is configured to highlight certain or other problem situations.
Any adult person at one time or another may experience sexual desire, which remains unsatisfied for various reasons. Therefore, the intelligence of consciousness in the process of sleep can find in memory a figurative copy of the event when this desire was satisfied, and demonstrate the corresponding video in the form of the dream, thereby having satisfied this desire virtually. In the same way, in sleep, a person can receive a strong impulse to contacts with the opposite sex, if such a need is ripe.
Freud has noticed this feature of the virtual satisfaction of desires, but exaggerated it, whereas sleep in general, but not dreams, which are its figurative part, is a process during which the intellect of consciousness tries to present models for resolving all kinds of the problem situations, and not just reflect desires in virtual form. Nevertheless, as a special case, desires in the form of visions in sleep are sometimes fulfilled to comfort the sufferer, at least in such a false form, received, nevertheless, as a reflection of the impressions and hidden needs of a person in reality, keeping his being in certain balance.
Let us now pass on to the obviously erroneous or wholly insufficient considerations about sleep and visions in sleep.
Artemidor believed that vision in sleep shows the future, and sleep shows the present [2, p. 32].
The visions in sleep are an integral part of the process of creating the information models in sleep, but only picturesque, reflecting the daytime impressions coupled with earlier impressions and they, therefore, cannot show the future. The process of sleep itself always occurs in the present, but along with that, individual behavior models are formed in it, taking into account the changes that have occurred, which can presumably be applied afterwards in the waking state with benefit.
Aristotle believed that the soul is more focused on itself and distracted from worries about the body [4, p. 423-432].
During sleep, the opposite happens. The intellect of consciousness restores the brain neurons, controls the functioning of internal organs, sets them up for adequate work in the future and, to some extent, restores them.
Visions in sleep, according to P. A. Florensky, pave the line between sleep and wakefulness [8, p. 4-16].
Visions in sleep by no means "pave the line between sleep and wakefulness", but are integral fragments of the figurative type of those models of the individual's possible behavior subsequently, which are formed in the process of sleep, representing some part of these virtual models. Naturally, they in no way can serve as the prototype for a full-fledged consideration of future events only on their basis, and even more so, to make predictions. These models themselves are formed by the intellect of consciousness mostly on the basis of the information accumulated during the day.
Z. Freud has reduced all visions in sleep to a means of satisfying desires, mostly of a sexual nature, repressed in reality [9].
By now, it has become clear that this is not the case. In fact, the fulfillment of desires in the figurative form of dreams is a special case of creating behavior models for their possible use afterwards in the waking state, and this form is copied from what a person saw earlier, for example, from a movie, or from what happened earlier to him. Everything else that Freud talks about is his pseudoscientific fantasies: the unconscious, psychic energy, the driving force of the latent dream, the transformation of sexual energy into other types of energy, etc.
All these phantasmagories of Freud are called into question by the fact that models of the human behavior can subsequently be formed in sleep nearly without dreams, especially since many people do not dream at all, more precisely, they cannot remember any visions in sleep, if they even were, without having therefore a subject for analysis.
The visions in sleep themselves, if they happen and are remembered, occupy a relatively small part of the sleep period - no more than 20%, most often combined from copies of fragments of the day's events, and copies of fragments of events experienced earlier, and therefore can be confused and even incoherent.
Psychoanalysis, which grew out of Freud's phantasmagories, began to speculate on people's desire to learn as much as possible about themselves from dreams, interpreting them as if scientific-sounding, and trying to correspond to their fancies, hopes and innermost desires, being in this regard by the heir of gypsy fortune-tellers, that is, out of information, which it found out about humans from them, and not from mostly fruitless visions in sleep in this respect, thereby turning into an ordinary swindler who earns money by deceiving people by its scientific-sounding terms.
K. Jung believed that dreams are "the direct manifestation of the unconscious... ...ignorance of its language prevents to understand its message" [10].
He also believed that visions in sleep connect consciousness and subconsciousness, compensating besides Ego's position. Moreover, Jung saw in dreams some spiritual guidance emanating from the center of every beingness [11]. From this he concluded that visions in sleep are self-sufficient and have their own logic, containing important messages, philosophical ideas, illusions, plans, fantasies, memories, experiences and insights [12].
Jung's theory, like Freud's, is based on the false premise that the visions in sleep are self-sufficient, whereas they are nothing more than a fragmentary-figurative and often incoherent reflection of reality, which, in this capacity, is included in the sign information models that are formed in the process of sleep by processing the information accumulated during the day as well as the information, available in the memory of the intellect of consciousness, which controls its tool - the brain according to appropriate programs tuned to increase the likelihood of survival and the status of each individual.
Therefore, the visions in sleep by themselves, on the contrary, are not sufficient to guide the human behavior in waking state.
It is more than problematic to be based on such a semi-finished product as visions in sleep that arise in the course of the formation of models of the alleged behavior of the individual in the future, and, moreover, to consider them as some kind of higher spiritual guidance, although sometimes, but quite rarely, the most connected fragments of dreams are capable of remembering to give a hint of the possibility of implementing a particular profitable plan or idea.
Daily practice confirms the falsity of both Freud's and Jung's approaches to visions in sleep as a systematic practical means of using them in the waking state.
In itself, the work of the brain in sleep resembles the work of a computer. However, the brain is not controlled by external forces in the person of the producer of programs and the user of the computer, but it is controlled by the intellect of the consciousness of a particular individual, which has its own database and one or another effectiveness of using information and available programs. In addition, in sleep, the intellect of consciousness, which controls the work of the brain, forms mainly sign information models, in which the figurative part is not the most significant and self-sufficient. Therefore, dreams, even in a coherent form, are not able to provide complete information for its use in reality, with rare exceptions.
The famous physiologist I. P. Pavlov called sleep the “protective inhibition”, stating the following: “... our daytime work represents the sum of stimuli that cause a certain sum of depletion, and then this sum of depletion, which has reached the end, automatically causes, by an internal humoral way, an inhibitory state accompanied by sleep” [13, p. 409].
Pavlov, pointing out the obvious - the rest of the body during sleep in general, did not have the opportunity at one time to discover that during sleep, it is not inhibition that occurs, but, on the contrary, the activation of the movement of the basis of each cell - the chromosome. In particular, the amplitude of DNA movement doubles, due to which the number of the molecules involved in the elimination of breaks in the genome reaches large values.
The American psychologist Calvin Hall interpreted the creation of visions in sleep as a creative cognitive process, in the center of which are thoughts about oneself, one’s desires, partners, prohibitions, punishments, difficulties: “... sleep was just a thought or a sequence of thoughts which occurred during sleep, and that images of visions are visual representations of personal representations... ...sleeps reflect the dreamer's unconscious self-perception, which is often quite unlike our fabricated and distorted self-portraits with which we deceive ourselves in waking life; dreams reflect the self... ... The explicit content of a vision is not a true reflection of oneself, but is a distortion of oneself and one's desires” [14]. That is, the information that the vision in sleep gives is just an assumption, having more than one meaning [ibid.].
Sleep, and even more so visions in sleep, in principle, are not capable of being a cognitive process, since at this time the accumulated information is processed in the brain, and it, unlike the work of the same brain in reality, is being organized only by the intellect of consciousness, but is not controlled by animal component of consciousness of a person and his self-consciousness, which alone guarantees the opportunity to know the world and oneself consciously.
For this reason, a person in sleep becomes an outsider to himself, temporarily losing his "I". In sleep, he is already a virtual product of the implementation of software for the functioning of the intellect of consciousness, which selects options for the possible and most effective and safe behavior of a person subsequently in accordance with the information accumulated during the day, and the additional information, attracted to create models of this behavior, necessary according to its calculations, from the vast database of a person - all his memory.
That is, a person in sleep becomes a software reflection of oneself, becoming an alien for himself, more precisely, a model with which certain incidents can occur in line with recent events: illness, overcoming dangers, marriages, divorce, etc.
More or less coherent and memorable dreams, together with other information systematized by programmatic methods during sleep, provide a person, who is safe in sleep, the opportunity to monitor the actions of his own double in various situations, being able to draw appropriate conclusions after waking.
This bifurcation of a person in sleep is explained by the fact that the intellect of his consciousness gets the opportunity to separate oneself from the other components of consciousness that control a person’s behavior in the waking state, which, like the human body, “fall asleep”, whereas this intellect goes into a separate forecast mode of modeling, functioning like an ordinary computer, which is not interested in the meaning of the tasks and goals set or conceived by a person in reality, but it simply systematizes information in accordance with these tasks and goals within the framework of its programs.
The intellect of consciousness is responsible for the survival of a person as a whole. Therefore, he processes information by means of the brain and models it in sleep not according to his own arbitrary understanding, but according to programs corresponding to his field of activity related to the survival of the organism in the environment while solving problems known to him, in contrast to the actions of self-consciousness and animal consciousness that control behavior a person in reality to solve many other problems and achieve the intended goals without worrying about the adequate functioning of the body at the same time.
It is for this reason that the human brain working in sleep under the control of the intellect of consciousness according to certain programs, that is, as a living computer, is not capable of generating thoughts and organizing the human actions. In sleep, the intellect of consciousness does not direct the actions of a person, since this is not required in a state of complete rest, but functions mainly to provide to him with several information models after awakening, which, in accordance with the available programs, can be most useful for a person in the waking state. So, this process of selecting information for use in reality can hardly be qualified as a process of cognition or even thinking.
A person, already in full consciousness, may not pay attention to these models or, on the contrary, having paid attention, rebuild one of them in a completely different way when implementing it in his actions or thoughts, since in reality a person is already fully aware of himself and is already able to not to go or, on the contrary, go on about his intellect-computer for some additional reasons, especially since the intellect of consciousness is the lowest component of the human consciousness, responsible for its survival in the environment, that is usually considered by people as a common sense.
Thus, in sleep, this intellect of consciousness - living computer in the form of the brain systematizes the information received during the day, combining it with the available information, in order to create models of the possible behavior of this individual the following day according to these initial data.
Psychologists do not understand the essence of this information process, representing it by outward manifest as a process of thinking, although in a dream a person does not think, he sleeps, and his intellect in the form of a brain just processes information, received during day, practically, in the mode of a conventional computer, that is, according to certain programs, and this living computer does not make any decisions, but only provides information for its adoption by both main components of consciousness, which are connecting to control the human behavior only after waking up a person, because during sleep both of them are in "sleep mode".
That is, in sleep a person does not need to make decisions and act, as it happens in the active mode of the day. Therefore, only that part of consciousness functions in it, which alone is enough to control all the processes occurring in the body at rest: the functioning of each cell, metabolism, as well as to control the work of the body's control center - the brain, with the help of which this component of consciousness, amongst other things, processes the available information and models it, but does not make decisions on this basis, which is the prerogative of only other components of consciousness that control a person in an active mode - the animal and self-consciousness.
This lower part of consciousness, which alone ensures the vital activity of the organism in state of rest, but which also ensures the vital activity of the organism in its active state, functioning in conjunction with both other components of consciousness, can be designated as a living computer, or an intellect of consciousness.
In other words, the process of sleep itself is characterized by the fact that at this time according to certain programs the information models of possible variants of the human behavior are subsequently created without interference from the "sleeping" animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness, that is, most effectively from the standpoint of common sense, which is owned by the intellect of consciousness.
In 1983, Nobel laureate biophysicist Francis Crick and mathematician Graeme Mitchison suggested that visions in sleep have the positive potential that they destroy those connections in local areas of the brain in which unnecessary or even harmful information accumulates in the form of fantasies, false ideas, etc., opposing this position to the traditional one, according to which, with the help of dreams, a person’s internal problems are solved and his psyche is unloaded [15].
The hypotheses of Hall and Crick, based on false premises, make the traditional error for this position. Having put forward a hypothesis about the predominant influence of visions in sleep on the human psyche, the authors did not think about the fact, that dreams occupy an average of only 20% of the sleep time, and that dreams are mostly fragmented, often incoherent, and therefore, they cannot show the future and are not able to demonstrate the impact of the past on the present.
The visions in sleep, as it was noted above, fragmentarily-figuratively make up only a small part of the possible models of the human behavior the next day, formed only by the intellect of consciousness by means of the brain, practically, in the form of the computer processing of information during the night pause, excluding the receipt of external information, as well as - the impact on the formation of these models of both other components of human consciousness, managing his behavior in the waking state.
The "sleep" state of the animal component of a person's consciousness and his self-awareness is due to the passivity of a person in sleep, when it is no longer necessary to control his behavior.
It is impossible to draw new ideas from the models produced by the intellect of consciousness in sleep, which are formed according to standard programs, since they are not a product of creativity, that is, arbitrary thinking. Therefore, these models can only be used as a broader base compared to the one that exists in reality, for hint on changing in the right direction the considerations, which researchers already have, deeply immersed in the topic which for this reason is reflected in the information, processed night, and can be represented by variants of models that differ significantly from those considered in reality.
In the course of this processing of information by the intellect of consciousness during sleep, of course, an attempt is made to eliminate harmful connections and establish positive ones in the models of the possible behavior of a given individual, which is created by standard programs, but the visions in sleep play a subordinate role in this process of forming models of a person’s possible behavior in the waking state, reflecting only the fact that most of the information enters the brain through the channels of vision. Let us also note that animals that do not have organs of vision create in sleep their own models of possible behavior in waking state with no less success without any dreams.
From the point of view of psychology, the visions in sleep are the process of visualizing our thoughts in sleep in the process of forming these thoughts.
This position of psychologists does not stand up to criticism due to the fact that visions in sleep are not thoughts at all, but copies of individual fragments of events that occurred in reality, in the form of images. They can lead to thoughts, but they are not thoughts, representing clips-copies of events that happened earlier in reality, which, as a rule, are insufficient for an adequate thinking process in the waking state due to their fragmentation.
In addition, thoughts do not appear in sleep for the reason that a person is sleeping. And this in itself means the absence of the functioning of the components of consciousness that thinking and control actions of a person - the animal and self-consciousness.
The human brain at this time works in computer mode, offering only an information base for the formation of thoughts in the form of several behaviors to choose from, which a person can use after waking up to solve problems and achieve their goals.
In other words, the intellect of consciousness does not think during sleep, but functions according to ready-made programs.
Thus, the intellect of consciousness, which also controls its tool in the form of a brain in sleep - a living computer - is not able to show the future in the night visions of a person, which are most often meaningless figurative fragments of sign models.
The informational sign models themselves, coupled with remembered dreams, can emerge in deciphered form at the moment of awakening, if a person will not prevent to them consciously, and they can push a person who has paid attention to them and is able to analyze them, on those actions or ideas that can benefit him or turn him away from trouble, although for the most part people do not pay the attention to them, preoccupied by thoughts about daily affairs ahead.
However, those, who find time for this, can benefit greatly in their affairs or for their ideas. This explains the attention and respect for sleep on the part of many great thinkers, who came to mind a lot of interesting things in the morning, and not in the day's many hours of reflections, from which there was much less use.

Chapter 2. Sleep as a pause for information modeling of behavior of the living being in waking.

Sleep is like death. A person, as it were, ceases to feel, think and act in an open way, thereby losing obvious contacts with the environment, since during sleep his senses go into a mode that cuts off the reception of external signals, in particular, his eyes are closed, sounds are perceived poorly.
But, unlike some types of a trance, a person in sleep is not subject to someone else's will and can instantly wake up if external conditions become unfavorable, which means that all senses are not completely turned off from responding to signals coming from outside.
Nevertheless, a sleeping person loses own "I" during sleep, represented by his personality, and even loses his body, because falling asleep, he loses not only self-awareness, but also the sensing of himself, although his body functions in the sense that life in it does not freeze not only in relation to the metabolism and work of each cell flowing in his body, but also the appearance of sometimes visions of various kinds.
In this regard, several questions arise.
What does a person stay with in the process of sleep?
Why does a person not need his own "I" and even a feeling of himself during sleep?
The appearance of the visions in sleep has long been noticed, and even something like science has appeared, interpreting the visions in sleep as a prediction of upcoming events.
However, despite all the efforts of psychologists, the essence of sleep remained unclear, except for the banal conclusion that it is needed to rest the body from daytime vigils.
In order to understand what happens to a person during sleep, it is necessary first to determine what happens during sleep with the primates from which a person descended, having inherited consciousness from them, which therefore can be called the animal component of the human consciousness, but acquiring self-consciousness in addition to it, which made him the only being on the planet with multiple consciousness, which also includes the intellect.
Unlike inanimate subjects, every living being is in the information flow, perceiving certain data through the senses, which are processed in the appropriate centers - in a person, the main center for processing information is the brain - to remain in the flow of life and reproduction, competing in this with other living beings.
That is, these centers give commands to all cells, all organs of the body, as well as the organism as a whole, as a result of which this organism is constantly adapted to a changing environment in order to preserve the sensations received from the senses and, if possible, to improve their quality, that is, have to make them more enjoyable. And all these living beings do not want to lose the sensations they receive and, thanks to them, desires for the sake of an empty non-existence, which they are familiar with from fainting or falling into hibernation. The sensations themselves not only give them a sense of life with all its diversity, but also give them an impetus to preserve these sensations in posterity.
Therefore, all living things are active, that is, consciously, but on a purely instinctive-reflex level, use the environment to maintain themselves in action (nutrition and metabolism), seeking to push competitors away from food (dominance), in contrast to a person whose activity is not limited only instincts and reflexes on a hormonal background.
The finiteness of their own existence, which all organisms, except humans, do not understand, but feel by the deterioration in the functioning of certain parts of the body, they overcome by procreation (transfer of their own genome) in all possible ways, up to budding, which requires a special program of growth and development as individual, and general (generic). This program is already at conception laid into every cell of the body.
In particular, primates, like the humans, communicate with each other with a wide variety of signals. They are able to understand the meaning of sounds, which people say and use them according to the situation. They are able to derive general rules of behavior on the basis of accumulated life experience and use them to solve problems that they have not yet encountered. That is, primates are not only able to act by trial and error, but are also able to adequately assess the correctness of their own decisions taken in ambiguous situations, thereby increasing the likelihood of the legitimacy of their own actions in the future.
But this awareness of the situation in which they are, in primates is limited only by the desire to consume the sensations supplied to them by their environment, for the best arrangement of themselves in this environment, that is, they think only within the framework of this desire, not striving to go beyond desires in order to realize their own existence in time.
In other words, they are only interested in the problems of nutrition, reproduction and dominance, and they do not seek to realize the fact of their existence in the world and to do the corresponding conclusions from it for conscious cultural and technological development.
They fight in every possible way for their existence, concentrating their thoughts only on sensations, without reflection on the fact that they exist, but with thoughts of how to stay longer in this process of consuming sensations, being in this respect the most developed dynamic components of the living environment, contacting with the environment only at the level of adaptability to it.
A person, as the direct heir of primates, in the same way strives to adapt in every possible way to changes in the environment, but his conscious attitude to it goes far beyond adaptability.
A person in his communities has also acquired completely new features in relation to interaction with the environment: goal-setting and variability of seeing the problem from the right perspective, which allows him not only to solve current problems like animals, but also to set goals and achieve them in a variety of ways in depending on their own mental abilities, the most effective of which are creative.
Goal-setting and creativity allow a person to interact with the environment in accordance not only with his immediate needs, but also with interests that may not coincide with needs and change all the time, and their range expands.
In fact, sleep is a pause during which consciousness is disconnected from the reaction to signals from the external environment, not only for the restoration and renewal of the body, but also for processing, archiving information accumulated over the past period of time (daytime), which allows you to provide more or less systematized and corrected information to a person when he wakes up for possible decision-making based on it, as happens in the same primates.
But, unlike primates, human consciousness in the process of sleep and the dreams themselves are, although also hidden, however, dual in nature, reflecting the impact on human behavior of both of the mentioned components of consciousness that control his behavior.
Therefore, first let's see what happens to a person in his open communication with the external environment, which should automatically be reflected in sleep, since a person has no other informational influences.
On the one hand, in the waking state, a person strives for pleasant sensations that food, a female (male), an advantageous position in the community can provide him, and he does not differ from a primate in this respect.
On the other hand, being in a real situation, a person considers in his mind the options for individual and social projects, evaluates the possibilities for achieving success in his own creativity, tries to correct mistakes in achieving his goals, which is characteristic only of a being who realizes himself in a cloud of passions, self-knowledge and the world around.
Thus, the information that comes to a person during the day is, as it were, divided into two parts: one is associated with adaptation to the environment, the other with the formation of awareness world perception and understanding of the world.
Therefore, at night, he, like any animal, may dream of devouring an appetizing steak with blood, a pleasant female (male), a bunch of admirers looking at him with tenderness.
Along with that, these sleeps may be interspersed with visions that are characterized by love experiences, interesting finds to improve the work process or new plans to change the order of life, or he may have dreams of his own funeral and being in hell or heaven, that is, everything that belongs him as a being who has plunged into the world of culture of multi-layered social relations.
The similarity of the visions in sleep and all surrounding of a person in waking state lies in the fact that dreams are formed from blocks of accumulated information about real life coming from the senses, by an information processing center that any living being cannot fail to have, even a completely brainless one. In a person, as a highly organized being, such center is the brain, which does not work by itself, but is an instrument of consciousness, which in a person is dual in relation to controlling human behavior.
Therefore, each person can contemplate in sleep in one or another fragmentary degree only that happened to him in real life, but, unlike primates, not only from the position of adaptive animal consciousness, but also depending on awareness view of his own life.
However, unlike reality, in which the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness interact in one way or another, initiating certain actions of a person, during sleep, both of these components of consciousness go into a kind of “sleep mode”, since in sleep a person does not need to make decisions in order to act one way or another.
Instead of them, only that component of consciousness remains that is able to control all the processes occurring in the body at rest alone, that is, the functioning of each cell, the body's metabolism and the work of the body's control center - the brain, with the help of which this part of consciousness processes the available information and models it, but does not make decisions on this basis, which is the prerogative only of those components of consciousness who control the person as a whole in the active mode - the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness.
This part of consciousness, which is capable of ensuring the vital activity of the organism in a state of complete rest, but which also ensures the vital activity of the organism in any of its states during life, and, in addition, supplies information to the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness, can be designated as intellect, justifying this name by the fact that it coincides in its main functions with the now-known artificial intellect, which is also capable of providing the action of a set of heterogeneous mechanisms, and along with, that providing information to a particular user..
In the course of its functioning, in order to ensure the stable operation of the body, it acts according to its own programs, which are not intended directly to regulate the human behavior.
Thus, the intellect of consciousness represents that part of consciousness that manages the functioning of the processing center for a number of available and incoming data according to the appropriate programs to ensure the normal functioning of the body both in sleep and in the waking state, but with the difference that during sleep the intellect of consciousness functions alone, and in the waking state - together with the animal component consciousness and self-consciousness, controlling the human brain, which, in fact, is a living computer for any animals of varying degrees of complexity both in structure and programs, although its principle of operation is the same as that of a crocodile, that of a person.
The main difference between this intellect of consciousness and artificial intelligence is that it does not have a rigid program of actions, operating with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the sense organs and from them to it, to keep its own carrier (living being) in a state of direct consumption. sensations and preservation of the body in the mode of interaction of all cells and organs of the body with each other and with the environment, as a result of which any sufficiently developed being is able to act in reality, at least by the method of trial and errors in a changing environment.
It is far from creativity, but still there is a sense in the actions of this natural intellect of consciousness, since it, as an integral part of each individual consciousness, is interested in preserving the sensations that give life to the entire system of any organism, including it.
Thus, working for a living being, and being in the internal structure of the consumer, this intellect cannot but be its organic and integral part - a kind of information processing unit and a control unit for body functions in its interaction with the environment, functioning independently within the framework of existing programs of survival. Not a single living being can do without this component of consciousness, whereas the simplest creatures, for example, unicellular ones, do not need the other components of consciousness.
But along with that, more advanced beings cannot do without other part of own consciousness, which makes decisions largely not on standard interactions with the environment and the work of each cell of the body, since this sphere of action is mostly debugged (programmed), but on solving tasks of communication with similar organisms, enemies, allies, the choice of more suitable and pleasant environment for life, and so on, that is, those tasks that, if you compare the actions of a living being with the work of artificial intellect, are solved by its external consumer, not an artificial intellect oneself.
This means that any living being, except for an intellect, which, in fact, technically processes data coming through the senses to it, combining them with already available information for monitoring and controlling the functioning of its own body, that is, turning these data into information that is understandable for use by a living being, starting with the cellular structure, ought to have of the chief-consumer of this information already for use in one way or another not only to ensure the functioning of the organism in the environment with the consumption of sensations, but to strive for the acquisition of the most pleasant sensations that can be obtained by improving its position in the occupied niche under favorable circumstances.
So, the intellect of any living being in terms of the mode of operation resembles the artificial intellect, however, having significant differences from it.
The main difference between the natural intellect of consciousness and the artificial intellect is the lack of independence of artificial intellect, which works for an external consumer, and this consumer, moreover, can constantly change, while natural intellect works for completely specific living being, in this case, - for a specific person.
Due to the complete lack of independence of artificial intellect in comparison with the natural, which does not have a strict program of actions, the following difference arises: an artificial intellect processes only the information that is transmitted to it at the request (desire) of the consumer within the framework of the programs embedded in it, and also the artificial intelligence is not able to evade the consumer's desire, while the natural intelligence has a certain autonomy in its actions, in particular, it is able to solve tasks not only according to standard programs, but also it can be ready to some changes in the parameters of the environment surrounding a living being, as well as to operate with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the sense organs and from them to it.
Compared to the artificial intellect or a computer, to a large extent, the autonomous functioning of the intellect of the human consciousness are due to a different structure of the brain as an information processing center. The computer works using steady electrical impulses, and the brain, which is the instrument of the intellect of consciousness, uses electrochemical connections that allow it to act with deviations from established programs, for example, in the event of an alleged danger, with which it has not met, but which it is preferable to circumvent or eliminate.
From this it can be seen that during sleep, consciousness does not need to direct the actions of a living being, which is at rest, but it should, on the one hand, to maintain the life of the body, as well as to restore and update it, on the other hand, it is necessary to process information already accumulated before sleep to form models that could be used after waking up, as they take into account the changes that have occurred over the past day. Some fragments of models can be visualized in sleep to a person, since most of the information per day enters the brain through the eyes, and, of course, is reflected in the images that appear in sleep. These models can be very complex, because of all living beings, the brain, which is the center of information processing, is the most developed in humans due to the presence of both the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness, which have the highest energy-informational level.
Since the human consciousness differs from the consciousness of other beings in that human consciousness is ambivalent in relation to the guidance of its behavior, in the active (daytime) mode, both programs of the animal component of consciousness are used, solving adaptive tasks, and programs of self-consciousness that admit goal-setting and creative thinking in the course of solving project-target tasks.
Thus, it is not consciousness that is turned off in sleep, leaving behind some unknown subconsciousness, as the laymen believes and not only, but those components of consciousness that control a person’s actions in reality both an animal being, and a being social-cognizing, that is, in the form of the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness, respectively, which, in fact, can be seen from the passivity of the sleeping person, who receives minimal information from the external environment as there is no need to act in it.
Models of possible human behavior that are formed in sleep, which include dreams, fall into the individual's RAM, giving him the opportunity to choose the appropriate one after waking up.
But these models contain no more than 20% of figurative information, while the main part of the processed information has a sign form, which is just as understandable to a person when calling it out of memory.
That is, in the course of systematization and modeling of information by the intellect, which occurs in sleep according to standard programs, practically excluded the direct impact on the individual of both components of consciousness that control his behavior in real life in the form of various kinds of considerations, feelings, ideas, interests and hopes that feed a person in reality, as interferences.
Therefore, the behavior models, formed in sleep, may be more adequate for a person's possible actions in reality from the standpoint of common sense, than his behavior in reality for considerations of his animal component of consciousness or self-consciousness.
In other words, it is consciously impossible to "get" into a dream, but the information models prepared during sleep in one way or another affect a person's actions in reality. Thus, sleep can be represented as one of the sources of organization of the human actions in the waking state, along with current daytime information and information available from other sources, as and for all highly organized living beings.
The duality of consciousness in relation to the control of human behavior also determines the content of dreams.
For example, a person with a significant prevalence of the animal consciousness over self-consciousness is unlikely to see dreams related to creative searches and impulses. He is able to contemplate in sleep only the household accessories and ordinary life events. And this is not surprising, since in life he is engaged in routine affairs and does not strive for creative achievements, while an artist or inventor, in addition to ordinary visions, can find in sleep those images or sign models, containing useful information that he missed in reality or did not attach importance to it.
It was this latter, showing not the complete uselessness of the dreams for future use, that caused the appearance of numerous dream books with one interpretation or another of phenomena and objects that can be seen in sleep, although, in fact, they do not predict subsequent events, but only reflect the past, most clearly deposited in the memory, since the attention of this person was concentrated on them at one time for possible use in the future, but only possible.
On the other hand, if a person is capable of committing rash and even fatal acts in reality, then in sleep he does not succeed, since reality is disconnected from his consciousness, leaving him with phantoms, but those that can sometimes lead him to certain actions in reality in the future. That is, during sleep, certain life collisions can be virtually played, often giving a good result, as indicated by the proverb - "Morning is wiser than evening".
In other words, every 24 hours of the human life is divided into day and night, and during the latter the body must be restored and renewed - it is the body, but not consciousness, which in the quality an intellect intensively functions by means of the brain, similar to a living computer, processing the incoming information for the subsequent, perhaps , more successful use of the results of this processing in further actions, which will be directly controlled by the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness on the basis of information delivered to them by the intellect of consciousness.
Each individual consciousness during sleep reflects its own activity, manifested in daytime human activities: a person is unlikely to see dreams in which he is at rest, for example, sleeping. In sleep, a person, as it were, continues to live in action: he flies, runs, fights, communicates with someone, undertakes something, gets scared, offended, sobs, although his body is at rest. This fact is explained by the fact that information sign-figurative models are being prepared mainly for waking actions.
In this way, if during the daytime a person is inactive or leads a monotonous existence, consciousness compensates for such a denial of development with night visions saturated with various actions, often confused and contradictory in relation to famous people, that is, it tries to at least so force a person finally to start at least some actions.
In addition, the individual consciousness in the process of sleep in the form of its own intellect not only reproduces what has already happened in life, it models various situations based on the information received during the day, combining certain episodes of the past, while resembling a computer that works according to the appropriate programs and is tuned to highlighting certain problem situations, thanks to this a person can get at least a hint of a solution to an urgent problem.
For example, in sleep a person can receive a strong impulse to contacts with the opposite sex, if such need is ripe. The necessity to the trip disturbs a person in a dream with visions of airplanes, train stations, trains, etc.
However, in reality, that is, already when both components of consciousness that control a person come into action, a significant impact on the personality's behavior is exerted by self-consciousness, which is characterized by increased conceit. Therefore, a person, preoccupied with the events taking place around him, most often ignores the information that came to him after waking up, which is the difference between his behavior and the behavior of animals that completely trust this information.
Nevertheless, in the development of events in reality, a person cannot ignore the animal component of his own consciousness, which is directly involved in controlling his behavior, and it is inherently the most sensitive to those products of information processed in sleep that present unfavorable scenarios for the development of events, while the self-confident component of consciousness - self-consciousness, which is largely burdened with false ideas and conceit, ignores these signals, coming into conflict with its own animal component.
Therefore, in reality there is a kind of struggle between both forms of consciousness that control human behavior for the most part with an unpredictable result almost all time of a person’s life.
The animal component of a person's consciousness is especially sensitive to the disastrous decisions of a person in reality, which seem absolutely correct to another component of his consciousness. The animal component of consciousness is always set not only to improve the position of a person in the community, but also to survive in the conditions of interaction with enemies and allies. Therefore, in reality it is supported in this respect by the intellect of consciousness. In a dream, the intellect of consciousness, and during wakefulness, both of these components of consciousness in such cases, as it were, give signals of danger.
In a calm and familiar environment, a person does not notice too often these signals from them, unless he creates an alarming feeling. However, people of dangerous professions (soldiers, firefighters, pilots, policemen), as well as people of risky occupations (athletes, businessmen, criminals) are well aware of the sudden sense of danger that appears as if from nowhere, calling it the sixth feeling.
A person in full consciousness, that is, in the waking state, is not able to penetrate into the work of the intellect of his own individual consciousness, which is activated at night, to understand its meaning, to determine the mechanisms, that is, how to fit into the process of his own sleep, since both components of consciousness, capable of thinking, making decisions and give signals for action, are replaced by the intellect of consciousness, which is not capable of this.
That is, with the rarest exceptions that appear as a result of malfunctions in the brain, this impossibility to join dreams consciously is explained by the fact that the open forms of consciousness have no direct relation to everything that happens in a dream. All sleep procedures are controlled by a hidden form of consciousness - its intellect.
In particular, visions in sleep flow figuratively in one or another combination in the form of copies of fragments of what happened the day before or earlier, occupying a relatively small fraction of the time of the entire sleep period, while most of the sleep time, the intellect of consciousness, using the human brain, is processing the accumulated information and its combination with information already available in databases is like routine computer processing with a certain speed of an array of information on certain topics or more or less topical problems, using various techniques to create models.
For the most part, this kind of information processing bears the burden of ensuring the normal functioning of the body. However, programs related to the management of human actions can also be partially used by the intellect of consciousness if they can help in the formation of models related to the organization of human life in relevant communities when a person's life is endangered.
Only closer to the final stage of sleep, which takes a person 6-9 hours - this is one of the reasons for the harmfulness of reducing this sleep duration - the intellect of consciousness accumulates models for possible use in the future, which as if are floating at the moment of awakening a person into his consciousness, again restored in full. Then both components of consciousness that govern the human behavior, not yet occupied with daytime activities, can choose from these models, if they wish, what they have not noticed during the daytime.
That's why it's in the morning that good and even non-standard solutions come to mind, unless, of course, the person was not passive the day before.
Therefore, the interpreters of visions in sleep, who even managed to systematize them according to content, are not entirely false. Of course, they gave only a list of some interpretations of dreams, which are very limited, unreliable and primitive, since they are based only on conjectures and coincidences, and in this regard, Aristotle is right, who considered them a fiction, but he, nevertheless, saw a sense in them, since he considered that they are not pure fantasies, but a reflection of reality, although distorted and incomplete.
It is now clear that the images flashing in sleep, as well as informational models as a whole, can be reflected in active life both consciously and without special analysis, not without success, although daytime work is the basis of this success.
In other words, since in sleep the vast database, accumulated by an individual during his life, as well as all his ancestors, is opened without any interference from the outside, insofar he, if of course, is in the theme related to the solution of certain non-standard problems, in principle, can see or note something new or unusual, but suitable for solving his problems, to which he did not pay attention in reality, analyzing fragments of a dream that have not yet been displaced by reality at the moment of awakening.
This circumstance is confirmed by the well-known scientific discoveries of a number of scientists.
So, D. I. Mendeleev “extracted” from sleep at the moment of awakening the prototype of the periodic table of chemical elements.
A. Poincare, after a long work and an anxious sleep in the early morning hours, established the existence of "automorphic functions".
Physicist Niels Bohr, reflecting for a long time on the structure of the atom, saw, as he himself said, in sleep the Sun with planets revolving around it, and imagined, that an atom could have a similar structure - in the center is a nucleus, and electrons revolve around it.
The German biologist Otto Levi was solving the problem of transmitting signals from one nerve cell to another, not knowing what to choose - an electrical impulse or a chemical reaction. In sleep, as he has claimed, he has seen the hearts of two frogs, with which, as a pharmacologist, he had previously carried out various experiments. Levy conducted an experiment on the hearts of frogs based on a model from his sleep and determined that a nerve stimulus could release substances that affect nervous excitation, which meant that the nerve impulse was transmitted not by an electrical signal, but by chemical means.
Thus, a method of transmitting a signal from neuron to neuron was discovered, and, in particular, it turned out that the technology for the operation of the entire set of neurons in the brain is based on a different method of signal transmission compared to the operation of a computer. This in itself means the ability to form billions of connections in the brain with the help of electrochemical signal transmission every second, changing all the time without the possibility of returning to their previous combination, thereby allowing, due to this diversity and a certain instability, to go beyond the conservatism of formal logic to creative thinking, based on the destruction of stereotypes characteristic of the work of artificial intellect of any type with its limited capabilities associated with the transmission of impulses using stable electrical signals that can be repeated without any change.
In addition to scientists, any creative person is able to consciously or not use the products of his sleep.
For example, creative people of a poetic disposition are well aware that many of their best poems were created in the morning minutes, and not just as a result of a few minutes of inspiration.
In this regard, sleep, like trance or inspiration, is one of the forms of obtaining new knowledge, which is called insight, or intuition, most conducive to obtaining new knowledge in a figurative form.
The similarity of all these processes lies in the fact that in them a person withdraws from all external influences and, without extraneous interference, is able to immerse himself for some time in his own long-term memory.
True, a person achieves great success in solving problems or cognitive tasks not during sleep, but when insight or inspiration in reality, since in these states he tries to retain a question related to the solution of a specific problem, formulated in advance, hoping to receive an answer when leaving this state, whereas for the coming sleep such questions are posed less often, and, moreover, it is difficult not to lose them in the mass of daytime impressions reflected in sleep.
Be that as it may, but the consciousness, in addition to receiving external (current) information mainly through vision, which gives more than 80% of all information, also needs to systematize, archive, analyze the amount of information accumulated during the day, discarding unnecessary. Only on the basis of this process, consciousness as a whole is able to control the actions of a person in reality.
In this regard, any interference of both components of consciousness, which control human behavior in reality, in the work of the intellect during sleep is excluded: it can only harm the streamlined process of information processing by the intellect in accordance with certain programs, since this interference able significantly to distort the recently received and available information due to personal, corporate, emotional, cultural and other preferences ,what would not allow the intellect objectively to approach the systematization of the entire array of accumulated information, from the adequate processing of which in accordance with the daily problems depends not only on the future behavior of a person, but also on his functioning as a living organism.
Thus, in sleep, consciousness, switching itself to the processing of accumulated information under the control of only one intellect of consciousness, that is, thanks to the functioning of the information processing center available to all, even the most primitive, living beings, tries to eliminate the distortions that appear in a person in reality - let this wonderful being - man - realizes himself only after waking up, when he is included in the process of struggle and development, in which mistakes can only spur his mind.
To a large extent, for this reason, and not just because of fatigue, a person "transfers" himself into a "sleep mode", that is, into a mode in which the information coming through his senses is minimized, in particular, organs of vision, and, as was said, both components of his consciousness, which control him in reality, cease to participate in the management of human behavior for the period of sleep, since there is no such thing in sleep.
In other words, the individual consciousness limits itself in sensations and thoughts for the sake of switching to the mode of processing the accumulated information, and in this respect, it works like a conventional computer according to certain programs.
Therefore, it can hardly be argued that during sleep a person is thinking.
The fact is that the models of possible behavior developed in sleep in reality are mostly associated with the general vital activity of the organism, that is, its survival and possible improvement in a person’s life position, and not with the project-target activity of a person, which “takes place” in this procedure, as it were, by the second plan is precisely because the basis for ensuring the viability of the human organism in the environment as a living being is by no means self-consciousness.
Summarizing, we can say the following.
Since the information that enters the brain from the vision organs is about 80% of everything, it is not surprising that it is reflected in sleep in some part figuratively, fragmentarily copying reality.
However, each person, remembering dreams, can notice that they are, as a rule, chaotic, and he is unable to control them.
These facts indicate that, on the one hand, visions in sleep are connected with reality, but, on the other hand, their confusion, indistinctness and incompleteness speak of their structural inferiority.
Therefore, visions in sleep by themselves cannot show the essence of this or that phenomenon, being a kind of virtual semi-finished products of those models that are built by the intellect of consciousness, more precisely, some figurative part of this or that model, which are being formed in sleep, since the information models of the intended behavior of a waking person as a whole in the process of sleep are being built in a sign form, similar to the creation of models by an ordinary computer for solving a specific task.
But, unlike a computer or the artificial intellect, the intellect of consciousness in sleep does not have such task, more precisely, the task for it is always the same: to ensure the vital activity of the organism in any conditions by any means. Therefore, it creates models of the most practical options for behavior of a person in the waking state, but not on the basis of the results of thinking, which he cannot have, since it works according to standard programs that are not configured for decision-making, but are configured to select information taking into account a certain situation at a given time to the best of his abilities, based on that material and information that he has or has recently received, not for some unknown and indifferent user, but for oneself, being an integral and non-stop part of the consciousness of every individual, whether human or animal, during the life of the body.
True, in contrast to the behavioral models for an animal, which are oriented only to the selection of conditions favorable for its existence in the existing environment, the behavioral models for a person proposed by the intellect, created in sleep “for tomorrow”, can relate to various cognitive projects and the search for new solutions to urgent problems , the creation of previously unknown technologies and original works of art, since the intellect of consciousness is able to include also them in these models, but only if all this is related to the survival of a person or the improvement of his living conditions.
Options for these projects can be captured with great success at the moment of awakening, that is, already knowingly, while they have not yet been displaced by the day's worries, and to make a choice from them the most suitable at the glance of both main components of consciousness, who have already begun to manage by a person in reality, but which, however, may have various considerations regarding these projects, if, of course, they have a desire to consider them.
If self-consciousness and the animal component of consciousness of a person, for some reason, for example, due to their weakness, are excluded themselves from participating in the construction of the individual’s daily routine according to the models, developed by the intellect of consciousness during sleep, then from these variants of behavior of a person is implemented the one that has the greatest common sense, that is, the one that is focused on the preservation of a person in the environment, since the intellect of consciousness does not have other meanings, striving mainly to create the most favorable conditions not for the person as a whole with all his problems, but for his organism.
If a person in the waking state acts mainly for reasons of the animal component of his consciousness, which is often mistaken for a special mind, calling it the reason, which manifests itself, in particular, if self-consciousness is not sufficiently developed, then, in fact, a person becomes a kind of rational animal.
Outwardly, this is expressed in the overwhelming predominance of egoism over altruism and in the absence of curiosity in the individual. Such an individual, focused only on himself, is capable only of rational actions, which are not distinguished by the pursuit of new knowledge, but are most of all manifested in the desire for well-being and, at the slightest opportunity, to take the advantageous positions in obtaining the most pleasant sensations in his community, regardless of whether he has the ability to lead or organize.
As for the contemplation in sleep of the images hinting at great discoveries, they occur, as history has shown, extremely rarely, since it is possible to stumble upon them in sleep and remember in the morning only by chance, or being very deeply immersed into the appropriate theme, but this happens only with the most creative people.
Therefore, some new or non-obvious solutions, ideas and developments can come with much greater success, which again shows the history of invention and art, as a result of creating a special mood for entering a specific topic consciously in moments of trance, the easiest form of which is called the creative inspiration, when a person is also distracted from reality to one degree or another, but at the same time does not lose the question to which he would like to find or receive an answer to it.
Nevertheless, even during sleep, but only arbitrarily, interesting and fruitful solutions to certain problems may appear, missed in reality, but mostly not in the form of dreams, but in the sign form of models as a result of appropriate information processing, which could be noted immediately after waking up.
As for the question of whether a person thinking in sleep, you should first familiarize yourself with the accepted interpretation of the concept of thinking.
One of the most famous definitions of thought is that it is nothing but the action of the mind, reason and ratio.
It is true in this definition only that thought is action, but the action of what?
In this definition of this “what”, everything is lumped together – mind, ratio, reason, whereas, for example, mind and ratio are not the same, differing in their level.
For example, a bacterium acts in a purely primitive, but effective way, striving to go where it is warmer and more satisfying on the basis of information entering its receptors, and from them to the center for processing this information, which is by no means a brain, showing, of course, not mind, but, as it were, estimating, or ratioing on the basis of incoming information, where is better - here or there. That is, following this definition, we can say that a bacterium is quite thinking itself, getting the desired result, if, of course, there are conditions suitable for life.
Thought - that which appeared as a result of reflection, an idea.
Well, this definition is nothing but a typical tautology.
A thought is a connection of concepts perceived and understood by a person's consciousness, a connection between the image of the goal and the elements of the situation.
This definition, which at first glance seems quite adequate and comprehensive, actually has a limited meaning, referring only to the human activity, since, for example, in sleep a person does not perceive or connect any concepts and goals. He often does not even remember what happened in the dream, and he does not remember himself.
So, this definition willy-nilly leads to that. that in sleep a person does not thinking, although its authors claim the opposite. Then, what happens in the consciousness of a person during sleep, and what then does the consciousness represent in sleep?
There is no satisfactory answer to this question, although by default it is believed that a person always thinking while he is alive and in his right mind.
The process of thinking itself is defined as a stream of thoughts linked together in a sequence of associations and ideas.
However, this definition does not say who or what and on what basis creates this flow and at what time.
It is obvious, however, that thoughts appear in the mind of a person in a waking state, when he is able to consciously produce them and connect them with each other, and what happens to him in sleep, that is, virtually, is not produced by his will or considerations.
So, he doesn't think in his sleep? Then what does he do in his sleep, and who instead of him, but for him, in particular, produces dreams in one order or another?
The obvious insufficiency of these definitions of the concepts of thought and thinking can be eliminated by comparing the two states of a person, namely: the state of rest in the form of sleep and the state of wakefulness.
Apparently, the role of sleep does not come down to the formation of thoughts for their implementation in the course of immediate or planned actions, since the information that requires such actions to solve certain problems is no longer received, and the body is at rest.
What then remains for consciousness?
It is obvious that in sleep it can only combine the accumulated information in accordance with the available programs in the form of models for their possible use later, when appear tasks and problems, that need to be solved in one order or another based on past events, as well as taking into account unknown but assumed events in the future.
In other words, passivity in itself does not have an subject for thinking, unlike activity, but already in their sequential combination, for example, sleep and wakefulness, in the process of sleep, this subject for thinking after waking up a person can be prepared in virtual form.
It follows that the intellect of consciousness, functioning during sleep in loneliness, processing information by means of the brain like a living computer (and a computer, as you know, is not capable of thinking independently, functioning according to programs entered into it in advance), only prepares models that take into account changes in the current situation. at the moment, for their possible consideration in reality by those components of consciousness that control human behavior in the active mode, but which are still in the “sleep mode” in this “sleepy” pause between days of action.
In other words, operating in sleep with images and symbols according to certain programs by mean of the brain, the intellect of consciousness creates behavior models for both the animal component of human consciousness and its self-consciousness, in accordance with the initial data, focusing primarily on keeping a person in existence.
It is impossible for psychologists to understand the difference in the functioning of a person’s consciousness in reality and in sleep, calling consciousness in sleep some kind of fantastic subconsciousness, which, in their opinion, should also think, but is somehow hidden, if it is if as underneath the open consciousness.
It was shown above that consciousness is one, but it performs three main functions in a person in reality, and therefore it can be conditionally divided into three conditional parts.
In the process of sleep, consciousness does not need to perform the function of controlling human behavior, and therefore it removes itself in its components that control human behavior from work during sleep, giving the reins to the intellect, which is not able to make decisions, but is able to control the processing of information, like a living computer, by mean of the brain, and present the results of this processing to both other components of consciousness, which already decide how to use these results for specific actions in the waking state.
That is, after the awakening of a person, when he must to control own actions, both other components of consciousness join the intellect of consciousness, which control both adaptive and target behavior of a person.
Therefore, such a distribution of the functions of consciousness can be conditionally represented in the form of its three components mentioned above.
In waking state, they are merged into one functioning together, nevertheless bringing to the fore one or another of their incarnations, depending on the situation.
However, in sleep, when a person is at rest, having excluded himself from the flow of external information, one intellect of consciousness functions, which is able to process information according to programs that are mostly related to ensuring the viability of a person, but it is not able to control a person’s behavior in the waking state, when the information products of standard programs are impossible or difficult to apply in the course of an ever-changing situation.
Then the control of human behavior has to be taken over by both other hypostases of consciousness, but the intellect of consciousness retains the function of processing and providing them with incoming information.
At the same time, the programs in accordance with which self-consciousness functions, in contrast to the programs for the animal component and the intellect, allow arbitrary thinking, giving a person the opportunity to think creatively in the process of his actions.
Thus, the process of thinking is stimulated only by action, more or less conscious, which does not occur in a dream. Therefore, in sleep, there is no need to function by those components of consciousness, that are capable of making decisions for actions, - and the formation of these decisions is nothing more than thinking, - whereas the functioning of the intellect of consciousness comes down to the supply of a common package of information for decision-making by the user, like a computer, but with the difference that it oneself is also a user, but - passive.
This information process is peculiar only to living beings who possess consciousness, distinguishing them from inanimate objects of any kind. In particular, even artificial intellect functions to solve the problems, which are determined not by it. It also does not seek to preserve itself directly in the offspring, since pleasant sensations are not available to it.
However, the artificial intellect in its functioning is similar to the intellect of consciousness. Both of them do not think, but prepare the packages of information according to certain programs for the user, who is forced to think, since he has to act. Only artificial intellect has an external user, that is, they are separated, while the intellect of consciousness has its own and only user, and they can only function together. This unity itself is ensured by their concentrating in a separate living being.
In this regard, thinking is inherent in any living being up to the infusoria, if it behaves actively, except for sleep, during which, instead of thinking that contributes to the most adequate current actions in a changed environment, there is a pause for processing the accumulated information on standard programs to correct the future behavior, taking into account the changes that have occurred, and in this pause you do not need to act, but you just need to choose, according to certain rules, options for creating the most favorable conditions for resolving accumulated problems, which, in principle, is available to the artificial intellect. Apparently, therefore, some scientists believe that it is able thinking.
It should also be noted that the fundamental difference between the thinking of all living beings without exception, except for a person, is that the thoughts of these beings are directed only at surviving, prolonging themselves in posterity, receiving, if possible, along with that the pleasant sensations, as well as wanting to seize all other pleasant sensations in the course of adapting to the current reality, whereas a person, in addition to the same, is able not only to adapt to the environment, but also to change it not only to solve utilitarian tasks.
In addition, he is also able to consciously bring himself troubles and troubles for the sake of ridiculous fantasies and beautiful-souled ideas, but alone with that he can force himself to break out of the sticky web of sensations alone into the expanse of the infinite knowledge of everything around him as well as oneself.

Chapter 3. About the difference and similarity of the functioning of the human consciousness in sleep and waking.

It is known that not everyone agrees with the priority of consciousness over the brain, believing that consciousness does not exist without a brain, since it is the human brain that gives a person a sense of life in objectively current time, which can be measured by the certain units in the corresponding periods - days, months, years - in accordance with the movement of the Earth and the Sun. With the cessation of the functioning of the human brain, the time of his life ends, that is, he falls out of it.
This fact seems to confirm that consciousness is a function of the brain and does not exist without it.
Indeed, human consciousness without a brain is not capable of existing in the available reality, but the above consideration does not prove, that consciousness is a function of the brain, since the opposite can also be assumed: the brain is an instrument of consciousness, which it cannot do without, but the work of which is regulated by it, and not the brain controls itself and the body.
Can it be proven?
Let's try to do this on the example of comparing two processes - sleep and wakefulness.
Undoubtedly, a sleeping person lives in sleep, breathing and tossing and turning, and does not enter asleep into some other world with a complete loss of time, as happens after death. However, having fallen asleep, a person also loses the sense of time, in which he was awake, since he does not feel the passage of time in sleep, and for him the interval of calendar sleep time (6-9 hours) comes down to zero, if he did not observe dreams - fell asleep at some point and seemed to wake up immediately without any perceptible interval between falling into sleep and falling out of sleep.
Thus, on the one hand, in sleep for a person’s consciousness, time disappears along with the feeling of life, and on the other hand, his body under the control of the brain continues to function without falling out of time, which, by accidentally waking up, he can note.
A contradiction arises: in a dream, a person, as it were, loses himself, no longer feeling life, himself, and the passage of time; along with that, the time in which his body is located still flows, the body breathes, the brain continues to control all the physico-chemical processes that occur in every cell of the body, and even gives a person the opportunity to sometimes finding oneself in visions in sleep.
It turns out that the consciousness of a person in the process of sleep excludes itself from external time, while the brain and body remain in it during sleep.
It is possible to resolve this contradiction by recognizing the fact that a person is aware of own existence in the waking state, and in sleep he loses this ability. And the brain has nothing to do with it, since it does not own time.
This means that there is something additional to the brain and even controlling it, which is not registered by any devices, but which, nevertheless, transfers the brain to various modes of functioning in sleep and in the waking state.
Moreover, this something is capable of realizing itself in different states.
In the process of sleep, it mostly provides the life of the body, and in the waking state it brings a person into a state of awareness of his own existence, forcing him to act, at least, in order to keep in the environment.
The fact of the imperceptible presence of this something was noted long ago. At first it was designated as the soul, and relatively recently it was called consciousness.
If we conditionally divide the human consciousness into three components responsible for its existence in active and passive modes, in particular, in the waking state and in sleep, then these components act differently, representing the following.
The intellect of consciousness ensures the functioning of the human organism and its survival in the environment, using appropriate programs for this.
The animal component of consciousness organizes a person's actions to adapt to the environment with the help of certain programs, keeping him in it in a state of striving for pleasant sensations.
Self-consciousness, using additional programs, largely allowing for arbitrary thinking, makes a person by a personality, capable of adapting the environment both for his own benefit and for the sake of discovering the meaning of own existence with its help.
Thus, the intellect of consciousness, continuously renewing the human body, allows it to exist; the animal component of consciousness controls the behavior of a person as an adaptive being that strives for the most pleasant existence; self-consciousness provides a person with the opportunity to recognize himself in the world.
In sleep, only the intellect of consciousness takes over the reins of government for the reason that at this time a person does not act in any way, he is passive and does not need to be led somewhere. Therefore, in the process of sleep, he does not need to think about how to immediately save himself, do something pleasant for himself or learn about the environment, as it happens only in the waking state and is controlled by the other components of consciousness, that manage his behavior in this active state, when his individuality and personality are manifested.
What then happens to a person in a dream, if at that time he does not have to go anywhere, does not need to do anything for the reason that he does not just rest, but ceases to feel and realize himself?
In sleep, a person, since at that time consciousness delegates only one intellect of consciousness to ensure his existence, which controls the brain - a living computer, loses oneself as a subject of action, manifesting only in quality of the virtual product of the implementation of the software of the intellect of consciousness, which selects options for the most effective and safe behavior a person subsequently in accordance with the information accumulated during the day with the involvement of additional information from the entire vast database (the human memory).
That is, in sleep a person temporarily ceases to be himself, but becomes own reflection - the model, with which certain incidents can occur in line with the latest events in reality, and based on the results of these incidents in sleep, a person, again becoming himself in the waking state, can judge, if he wants, about the possibility of their application in his activity.
Of course, this double is not capable of thinking, that is, understanding the meaning of the goals and objectives set by a person in reality, but its virtual behavior, formed by the intellect of consciousness, is able to predict what can happen to a person in reality, based on the results of last actions of a person, since this the reflection-double of a person in sleep acts virtually in accordance with the information modeled by the intellect of consciousness in line with the tasks and goals of the past day, but only within the framework of the programs available to him.
Therefore, in dreams, a person can sometimes only contemplate the behavior of his double in different circumstances, but not think for him, since he is deprived of the opportunity to control the behavior of his own reflection.
The very double of a person in his dreams is not able to think, acting virtually within the framework of existing programs, exactly the same the intellect of consciousness, which, despite the fact that it controls the functioning of the brain - a living computer, is able to function only within the framework of the programs embedded in it, forming models in the process of human sleep to ensure the survival and optimal functioning of a person in own surrounding in the waking state, taking into account the information received during the last day.
This is how the intellect of consciousness functions in any living being, and not just in a person.
In this regard, the ideas of many philosophers and scientists about the great spiritual mission of sleep and the extraordinary influence of dreams on a person have no basis, as does the opinion of psychologists that a person is thinking in sleep. Apparently, they were prompted by the state of peace of a person in a dream, when he seems to have nothing to do, but you can calmly think about the future or the past.
Additional proof of the lack of reflection in a person in sleep is not only the abruptness, fragmentation and randomness of many his dreams, but also such a phenomenon as sleepwalking.
Apparently, sleepwalking, which manifests itself in the form of a person's spontaneous transition in sleep from rest to movement, is nothing more than a failure in the work of the intellect of consciousness, caused by random or painful deviations in the functioning of the brain.
So, a lunatic, or a somnambulist, acts in the manner of a zombie, but not at someone's suggestion, but as a result of the indicated failure, and at the same time he controls only his motor activity and even sometimes speech, without thinking about anything. If you wake him up, he cannot remember anything about his behavior at this time.
The somnambulist's actions are not motivated by anything, that is, they are not initially set by him, as if someone is leading him for some unknown purpose here and there.
Actually, the intellect of consciousness in sleep models a person's behavior in accordance with programs available to it, guided by goals and objectives, set not by it, but by other components of consciousness of a person in the waking state.
Therefore, if the instrument of the intellect - the brain - fails for a while, a person in sleep begins to repeat in movement or speech one or another fragment of the virtual actions of his double, modeled by the intellect of consciousness at the moment.
In itself, the loss by a person in sleep of his own "I" in the form of individuality and personality is explained by the disconnection at this time of the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness that control his behavior in reality in favor of the lower component of consciousness - the intellect.
Thus, the fact of separation of consciousness in sleep and along with that its unity in reality confirms that each individual consciousness is nothing but a hologram, in which, as is known, each part is a whole, despite the difference in the functions performed, and vice versa.
The above-mentioned fact of the different course of time for a person in sleep and in the waking state is also supported by the difference in the time intervals of the event and the vision in sleep that reflected it.
It turns out that the vision in sleep, which is identically reflects some event in reality, flows several times faster in calendar time.
The results of studies of the duration of the visions in sleep have shown that their duration rarely exceeds 3 minutes, and often takes only tens of seconds, while the events that are reflected in the visions in sleep, as a rule, do not fit into these time intervals, sometimes taking an order of magnitude more calendar time.
Psychologists still cannot explain this fact, uttering only meaningless words about the subjective perception of images that arise in a person’s mind in sleep.
Indeed, this phenomenon of time acceleration in dreams does not fit into the scientific conception of time as an objective, constant and consistent flow of ongoing phenomena.
In particular, physics considers this progressive course of events to be a form of the flow of all various processes, or a condition for the possibility of changes.
In other words, science in its present state objectifies time, believing that all the processes taking place in the world have no effect on the monotonous, uninterrupted and constant "course" of time.
In itself, the process of the flow of dreams is undoubtedly objective, reminding of a demonstration of some event on a television screen.
But the question immediately arises: why does the interval of this supposedly objective and constant "course" of time in the process of a particular dream change so significantly for an identical event that happened in reality, since having happened in sleep the change in conditions for one and the same event, which happened earlier in reality, affected the “course” of time, undermining the interpretation of the concept of time by science?
It turns out that, supposedly, the objective passage of time is actually subjected to change depending on the change in the conditions for the flow of these processes, in particular, those that occur with living beings in sleep and in the waking state.
The fact of the acceleration of time in sleep can be quite adequately explained from the position of representing time as a product of the process of processing information received or incoming by the information processing centers from the sense organs of a living being.
Any information processing center, and in particular the brain, works according to certain programs that provide for breaks to eliminate unnecessary information, systematize and archive the information received in order to solve certain tasks with great success hereinafter.
Therefore, the brain, just like any computer, having got rid of the flow of external information at night, turns out to be capable, having processed the information received over the previous day and comparing the results of this processing with the information available in memory, to develop options, or models of further behavior a person in waking state according to the appropriate programs, keeping in view those changes that have occurred over the past time, together with the organization of the functioning of each cell, individual parts and the organism as a whole.
Incoming or already received packets of information, just as similar packets of information in a computer are displayed on the monitor screen through the appropriate blocks that convert them into a visible image, are also displayed in the same way in the corresponding centers of the brain, for example, responsible for the formation of visual images, sometimes forming an identical reflection of one or another event that happened in reality.
If we proceed from this system of information transformation, then the speed of the flow of time for each individual human consciousness depends on the volume of information (the number and content of information packages) entering the processing centers of information a person, and on the speed of processing incoming information in these centers.
Along with that, in the process of sleep, the processing of external information is no longer required, which practically does not enter the body, since the main human receptors in the form of visual and auditory no longer interact with the environment as before, thereby excluding the flow of information that previously entered through them.
That is, in this case, the brain focuses on processing only the information that has been accumulated over the past day with possible inclusions of information from earlier receipts, without being distracted by the processing of external information, which practically does not come in the state of sleep anymore, while in the daytime, the brain was forced to work, as it were, on two fronts - to process incoming information, as well as to systematize and place it in memory.
Therefore, the power of this living computer - the brain, which is an instrument of the intellect of the human consciousness, is already spent in sleep on processing smaller volume of information, due to the exclusion of the receipt of external information. As a result, the processing of this volume is faster. For this reason, an event that happened in reality, identically reflected in a dream, flows within a shorter period of calendar time.
In other words, the passage of time in sleep, reflecting for a person's consciousness a specific event that occurred earlier in reality, accelerates compared to the passage of calendar time.
Thereby, in the process of sleep, the human organism receives additional time to restore the operability of each cell of the body and the organism as a whole, eliminate redundant information, as well as to form the most adequate models of human behavior in reality hereinafter.
This notable fact means that the calendar, or external time for a person, in which each person is awake, if you try it on an event that is identically reflected in sleep, does not coincide with his own time in sleep, the passage of which may differ significantly from the calendar time.
Thus, the phenomenon of sleep in itself indicates a completely objective picture of the existence both for a person and for all living beings of two types of time - the external, or calendar, in which they all are, and the own time of each living being, directly and clearly manifested in sleep, which, as it were, fits into the external time, but the course of this own time can differ significantly from the course of external time for each living being, depending on the degree of its development and on the conditions in which it is located.
If we move on to the manifestation of human consciousness in reality, then it should be noted that the relationship between self-consciousness in a person and the animal component of consciousness is quite complex and confusing. However, it seems that animal consciousness, which is mainly responsible for the adequate functioning of a person in the environment in terms of adaptability to it, relying on ratio (intellect of consciousness), as a rule, contributes to the routine human activity, which do not require non-standard approaches.
This kind of activity, due to its cliché, is close to the instinctive-reflex actions of animals, and therefore it is not surprising that in this case the animal component of consciousness guides a person, leaving self-consciousness in the background with its possibilities for creative activity, which are not needed.
Such repetitive activity causes addiction to it, which is fixed in the so-called habits, that is, everyday actions without much thought - therefore close to automatism.
The vast majority of people spend almost all the time of their lives precisely in such monotonous activities that do not require important decisions and abstract reflections based on the analytical and synthetic work of consciousness, that is, awareness of one’s own activity for the targeted change of own surrounding and oneself, and not subordinating to routine.
This non-initiative pastime in work and life is thus reduced to daily repetitions, forming habits, beyond which it is very difficult to go beyond and rarely succeed.
Apparently, for this reason, the famous English philosopher David Hume considered habit as the main property of every person [16, p. 69], although, of course, this is not the case, but for many ordinary people who strive only for a well-fed, pleasant and carefree life, the habit really becomes second nature.
It is this factor that explains the fact that days and years for many people merge into one stream, and a person cannot remember what happened to him ten years ago in the summer or last year in the winter or even a month ago.
Similar life does not actually require self-awareness in the form of an original design of one's own life, since it does not carry a "mass" of plans, but is based on habit. This life does not even need constant control for it by the animal component of consciousness.
Therefore, such life can be likened to daytime sleep, in which, as was shown above, both components of consciousness that control a person’s actions in reality practically do not function, transferring themselves to “sleep mode”, to use computer terminology.
Instead of themselves, they leave the intellect of consciousness, which primarily ensures the viability of the body, and to accompany the routine activities of a person, it is quite enough to have minimal control over it of the animal consciousness and only in the smallest degree of self-consciousness to achieve sporadically some insignificant goals, what in a whole, plunges a person into a semblance of sleep, but only during the day.
In this state, a person, as it were, turns into a rational animal, looking, of course, for some profitable goals for improving the quality of his own life, but at the same time completely obeying the external course of events, all time adapting to it in the manner of an animal.
However, a person would not be one if he "slept" all the time, that is, he used himself in the habit mode.
Any person, even the most humiliated and undeveloped, is able to recall always, maybe, the few, but significant episodes in his life. And he recalls them, precisely because in these times he acted creative: had being taken important (projective) solutions, had been surprised to something unique, had been outraged by unfairness, had being committed the fatal errors, had meetings with unusual people and phenomena, had loved, had suffered.
In such affairs it is impossible to do without self-consciousness, inasmuch is necessary to correlate with self this visible, i.e. to commensurate this visible with own abilities, will, determination, impressionability, and to speak to himself: "And I so could be. And I understand this. And I am capable to be surprised by this (to be indignant)", and to set to himself the purposes on achievement of something pleasant or – the purposes on overcoming of the appeared obstacles, but not to evade from them: exactly this process is the true expression of liberty in the person, i.e. does this being by the person.
In other words, in these episodes the person loses indifference, moves away from habits, tries to change consciously or intuitively though something in itself even to the detriment to the values recognized by him. Of course, these events cannot but be postponed in his memory, he is proud of his behavior in these episodes, or he regrets about the incident.
For this reason, we are interested in reading the exciting novels, detective stories, where continuously something occurs, mysteries arise and are solved, swindlers and villains act, property are made and then it is lost, power is acquired and disappears like smoke and, in general, rages fictional life, which so is distinguished from own "gray" existence.
For the same reason all history, described by scientists-historians (though they don't understand of this), seems to them as activity of the figures which are situated as if outside routine. These figures-leaders accept nearly hourly vital decisions for tribes and people, win battles, lose at the defeats everything, invent gunpowder and discover America, write eternally live cantatas and arias, conduct reformation of religions etc.
Naturally, these scriptures are hard to recognize as the science, the more that is possible to look at the preserved materials differently.
Thus, the "productivity" of each human life in relation to a radical change of his consciousness, as a rule, is extremely low. This circumstance is understood by individual religious faiths (Hinduism, Buddhism), which do not stop the journey of soul on one human life.
Nevertheless, religious faiths do not suspect about the true destination of this travel and do not see the true basis of Creation.
Whatever it was, but the periods of "waking up" are the most striking manifestations of consciousness in a person, that means its true free expression, often amazing of him oneself, and therefore - memorable.
Indeed, this and is true expression of consciousness in life, which along with that "is postponed" into measureless "moneybox" of a single consciousness.


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