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Shinee World

Просмотр работы:
08 июня ’2012   21:28
Просмотров: 22709

I have got many friend.Their are names are Onew,Jonghyun,Minho,Key and Taemin.
I like Onew, he`s funny and cute.He`s jokes is chuckle and strange,but they bring to a loss of pulse.He`s hobby is music,playing the piano and Chineese.
P.S. Onew is my future husbend.
My next friend are Jonghyun and Minho.Jonhyun is not tall 5,8(foots and inches).He`s complexing,beccause Minho is 5,11.But Jonghyun is the first liked me when we met.He has a beautiful strong voice and he has big muscles.He lieks to watch movies,dancing,Chinese and play the piano.
Do you know my friend Minho has fiery charisma?..He`s the most fashionable of the all guys!He said if i were a girl,i would have met with Taemin...
P.S. I don`t undrestend,why he needs Taemin,if i`m here?
Minho`s hobby English,fooball and Basketball.
P.S. Why he needs a basketball if he is already tall?
And of course our mother Key,because he caring all us.Key is a good cook,he has a great sens of humor and preety doltishness...
He`s fond of dancing,rap,Chinese and English.
P.S. He knows English better than me.
And finally my little friend is makne Taemin...He won my heart with his handsome and lovely image.But more i like when he is a serious.By the way Taemin dances amazing!He should teach me as well...
Oh yeah!Taemin is very popular among women.He likes Chinese,music and of course dances.
P.S. Lee Taemin,today, in my room, dance with me!
I love my friends!Let them be alright.And tomorow we`ll play again in the Shinee World!


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