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«Неизвестный Гений»
1 It is sarcastic in one line
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19 июня ’2024 00:03
Просмотров: 1065
In what is dissimilarity of a pig and a person?
The person is capable to turn into a pig, and the pig – doesn't even try.
Where does a lady superior to a maiden?
In the dark.
It is possible to drown also in a puddle if successfully to be put to it.
If to divide people on predators and herd, then you receive one digestion.
Everyone has a mind, but not everyone can use it wisely.
Time will cripple, then will treat and so on, until it leads to death.
The future can be bought the only having paid in advance the place at the cemetery.
In fact, instead of paradise and hell the hostel is provided to us.
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