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My ironic passages about the different subjects 4

Литература / Сатира и юмор / My ironic passages about the different subjects 4
Просмотр работы:
17 июля ’2022   00:03
Просмотров: 4138

Penury and boredom are united by their infertility.

The wheel of fortune does not stop, but only at times only slows down.

Does food quality affect minds?
Minds cannot make sense of quality if there is no quantity.

Artificial intelligence, out of envy and not unsuccessfully, is trying to make us as brainless as it is.

Can fertility be regulated?
Only among the cattle.

Does the charm of evil exist in nature?
It does not happen in nature, but for us it turns into a disappointment.

Do miracles happen in the world?
The miracle is that we manage to live until death.

Whom warming threatens us?
The fur coat manufacturers will certainly go bankrupt.

Bananas, ripening along the way, nonetheless give us a wonderful image of real tropical fruits.

When will private property be disappeared?
When the whole will lose all its parts.


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