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My ironic passages about the different subjects 3

Литература / Сатира и юмор / My ironic passages about the different subjects 3
Просмотр работы:
13 июля ’2022   00:08
Просмотров: 4298

Is it possible to smile with your eyes?
Of course, you can, if only at the same time approvingly to slam your ears.

Ice is preferable to fire, because it preserves any frozen blockhead in more detail for posterity.

The location differs from the position by its stability.

Humor turns into satire from complete hopelessness.

The article is chosen not only by readers, but also by judges for the same readers.

Why do they say "point of view"?
At this moment, vision manages to focus only on one point.

Laughter can be up to tears, but tears do not bring up to laughter.

When do you have to put yourself in the victim's shoes?
When you can no longer endure.

Why is everyone so afraid of the abyss?
The abyss clearly demonstrates to everyone where they will eventually slide.


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