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Grant Ward: Supremacy or How Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Should Have Ended

Фильмы, клипы, мультфильмы / Музыкальные клипы / Grant Ward: Supremacy or How Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Should Have Ended
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24 декабря ’2015   10:54
Просмотров: 17023

Grant Ward: Supremacy or How Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Should Have Ended

For all my brothers and sisters who StandWithWard.


Video: Grant Ward, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Seasons 1-3
Audio: Muse "Supremacy" performed by Alexander Bon

Wake to see
Your true emancipation is a fantasy,
Have risen up and overcome the brave.

Greatness dies
Unsung and lost, invisible to history.
Embedded spies
Brainwashing our children to be mean.

You don't have long,
I am on to you.
The time, it has come to destroy
Your supremacy

You don't have long,
I am on to you.
The time, it has come to destroy
Your supremacy

#StandWithWard #GrantWard #GrantWardHero

Грант Уорд, Агенты Щ.И.Т., Марвел


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