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ND - Who Will Answer?

Просмотр работы:
03 декабря ’2013   19:14
Просмотров: 19878

ND – «Who Will Answer?»
(music by V. Veryasoff / lyrics by V. Veryasoff; S. Golovin)


On rUins of the Great Empire
Last hope burns and time expires
We have lost the one big battle
But not all the War!!!

War for freedom and the future
But we’ll find the strength to suture
We are reaching boiling point
We are ready to aroint!!!

Who will answer except us?
Who will press out fucking pus?
For the buried people’s dreams
For the lost rights to pride?
We exchanged our homeland
For a cars and a gums and
For a pleasures and jeans
But nevertheless we survived!

Twenty years we were at bottom
We lived in kind of Sodom
Under speeches about the wealth
Losing our health

Traitors sold everything they could
But our souls still live and we would
Villains, thieves, killers, stinkers
We’ll repay you so good

Who will answer except us?
Who will press out fucking pus?
For the buried people’s dreams
For the lost rights to pride?

We exchanged our homeland
For a cars and a gums and
For a pleasures and jeans
But nevertheless we survived!

People wake up from nothing
We have enough to show something
Russians will show the world a new life
The red project is alive!

Who will answer except us?
Who will press out fucking pus?
For the buried people’s dreams
For the lost rights to pride?

We exchanged our homeland
For a cars and a gums and
For a pleasures and jeans
But nevertheless we survived!


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Оставлен: 03 декабря ’2013   23:54

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