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Gustav Schiffmacher

Пользователь iniro / Gustav Schiffmacher


Регистрация: 30 октября ’2014   11:37
Имя: Gustav Schiffmacher
Страна: Германия
Город: Майнц
О себе:
    Gustav Schiffmacher (a.k.a.), German painter, born in Ekaterinburg, Ural (Germans from Russia). Parents - Germans, deported to the Urals in 1945.

    Short biography
    About me in art...

    From the moving line, through the magic of color to the content that moves me...

    A childhood discovery , which you can share thoughts about your own experiences even without words,- led me to a children's painting studio at the age of 11. That was in the fall of 1971.
    The soft line of the pencil drew me further and further into its path, so that I came to a children's art school in 1973. These were the beautiful years of recognition, that besides the line, the color areas also exist, and that they also and still have a greater expressiveness.
    in 1977, I began my apprenticeship at the Art school for artistic interior design with a diploma in the summer of 1981. From that time until my departure, for the purpose of family reunification, to Germany in 1990 - art and interior design were my life. There was a lot in between, until I found the opportunity to paint again.
    I am not looking for themes for my pictures,- I just paint what moves me at the moment. These are sometimes children's worlds, sometimes worlds of our soul, but also the world of things that surrounds us. The most beautiful lines and the strangest color combinations are also hidden there.
    All this together flows into one world.- my world: a journey into the unknown, where there are a lot of questions. In the question - I see the goal of my journey through the fascination of art.
    Greetings to all those who discover one or more questions for themselves in my art!

    27.04.2024 (J. Studinsky), Gustav Schiffmacher, Rhineland-Palatinate
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