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Сообщения пользователя aadesh55: Do you switch lenses during your photo session?

Форум / Для фотографов / Do you switch lenses during your photo session? / Сообщения пользователя aadesh55
18 января ’2021   13:01

Hi all, I am transitioning from Nikon DX format to Nikon Full Frame DSLR. I mainly photograph pets (sometimes running and jumping) and portraits. After doing my research I've decided on Nikon D750. When I was using DX I had my 17-55 f/2.8 that I used for BOTH pets and portraits. So I did NOT need a SEPARATE wide angle and telephoto lens. With Nikon Full Frame the choices are more limited. It looks as you have to buy SEPARATELY a wide angle lens (for ex. 24-70) and telephoto lens (for ex 70-200) My question is - do you switch lenses during your photo sessions? I find that if I am photographing people full length I'll need a wider lens and then if it's just shoulders up I'll need a more telephoto lens. Obviously I can get closer to the person with a wider lens but then I am risking to get distortion. Also if you are photographing landscapes that's not an issue you can switch lenses to your heart's content. But photographing people they may get annoyed at you switching lenses or think that you don't know what you are doing. What is your experience with this? Would appreciate your advice, thanks.


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