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Сообщения пользователя shamsmehra90: Стыдно ли признаться, что ты художник или хуже того поэт?

03 мая ’2020   23:54

It's been observed that there is a dearth of critique in modern poetry, followed by low-quality writing across much of the field. I quite agree. Most modern poetry is technically flawed, and artistically flaccid. Many people have abandoned poetry, saying they don't know what's good and what isn't. Usually they do know -- but they've been shown wretched poetry and told it was great, so they've lost faith in their own judgment. First, if you think a poem is horrid, it probably is. But with practice you can learn to elucidate why it is horrid. And then you can avoid making those same mistakes in your own writing.


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03 мая ’2020   23:52

It's been observed that there is a dearth of critique in modern poetry, followed by low-quality writing across much of the field. I quite agree. Most modern poetry is technically flawed, and artistically flaccid. Many people have abandoned poetry, saying they don't know what's good and what isn't. Usually they do know -- but they've been shown wretched poetry and told it was great, so they've lost faith in their own judgment. First, if you think a poem is horrid, it probably is. But with practice you can learn to elucidate why it is horrid. And then you can avoid making those same mistakes in your own writing.


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