today is poisoning the Arabs for the sake of the economic interests of the Yankees, it is this smart and so serious-looking world that works wonders of speculation on the stock exchange, making money on simple pieces of paper, producing nothing, collapsing the economies of countries and destroying the fate of many millions of people - all this is the same world that exhibits the pictures of these rascals, and whose authority you refer to. For people like you, without authoritativeness, often exaggerated - neither tuda nor syuda, there and Andrey just a little, refers to a couple of three avtors
В картинке с "Пушкиным" есть претензия на анатомичность тел... Но тем беспомощнее выглядит автор на фоне Рафаэля... которого он (по глупости , или по наглости...) фамильярно шлепает по плечу , говоря что мог еще в юности рисовать, как Рафаэль...