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«Неизвестный Гений»
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31 мая ’2011 01:33
Просмотров: 25482
Nikolay Trofimov
Like frozen wind
That, marked with shyness,
Tramps in the night
To warmth of candle flame
I'm drawn
To your soul
Not frightened
Of the darkness.
This night,
Filled with the tabacco smoke,
In the dark
And swept with desperation
I remember you and can't
To hide in heart
The pain of being apart.
With the sunrise
The everyday-ness tide
Rolls in again
Like waves that chew the soil
I carry your candle,
Protecting it from wind
As if I'm carrying you sheer soul.
Like frozen wind
That, marked with shyness,
Tramps in the night
To warmth of candle flame
I'm drawn
To your soul
Not frightened
Of the darkness.
This night,
Filled with the tabacco smoke,
In the dark
And swept with desperation
I remember you and can't
To hide in heart
The pain of being apart.
With the sunrise
The everyday-ness tide
Rolls in again
Like waves that chew the soil
I carry your candle,
Protecting it from wind
As if I'm carrying you sheer soul.
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