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Nails - no one belives me

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Nails - no one belives me
Просмотр работы:
04 сентября ’2012   02:46
Просмотров: 22333

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слова еще не записал, но текст - вот...

I cry at all
I scream
but because
no one believes me
do you want me to believe?

No? Ok , you know what I think about this?
No? Ok , you know what I think about this?

Ass, torn asshole,
fucking ass, chocolate hole
Butt, that is cast of shit , Butt
Butt, that is cast of shit

Because , pies –
this is my
favorite food
in the world
but people
have no faith
in what I have bought cakes
, but I really did it

all consider me a liar
but this is absolutely not fair
all consider me a liar
all say that I speak empty words
but this is absolutely not fair
I'll play the ass of a couple of chords

Ass, torn asshole,
fucking ass, chocolate hole
Butt, that is cast of shit, Butt
Butt, that is cast of shit

I cry at all
I scream
but because
no one believes me

people makes me crazy
distrust makes me crazy
my rage makes me crazy
it is all makes me crazy

Because , pies –
this is my
favorite food
in the world
but people
have no faith
in what I have bought cakes
, but I really did it

i am crazy
i am crazy
i am crazy
i am crazy
I love pies
I love cakes
I love pies
I love cakes
I love pies
i am crazy
my madness - the love of cakes

I cry  I cry  I cry at all
I cry at all
I scream
but because
no one believes me
do you want me to believe?


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