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Rawe Shaw - Liza (Early Demo)

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Rawe Shaw - Liza (Early Demo)
Просмотр работы:
06 июня ’2011   19:23
Просмотров: 25681

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(Verse 1)

There is a dream among my dreams that I love best
But in my life she only seems to be a guest
I let her in, let my love begin,
My needles & my pins

We didn't talk much and our words were always right
We never dated, we met casually each night
And I could only see that it was love
When she was running off

So please

(Chorus 1)

Liza Liza, hear my calling
I'm always waiting, you know that
Liza Liza, I can't help falling
In love with your sweet image in my head

(Verse 2)

She said - you're fun, we kissed, and then she whispered- well...
I thought- I love her, and I asked- is this farewell?
All other girls, except this girl of mine,
At this place would start crying, crying, crying

She didn't need to answer, it was in her eyes:
No milk today, no more romance, no more surprise
Eternity is where our love belongs,
We knew it won't last long... so long!

So long

(Chorus 2)

Liza Liza, read my thoughts, girl
And you will find there only you
Liza Liza, hear these chords, girl
This my love howling is brand new

(Verse 3)

There is a wish among my wishes I want most
But knowing we should part she vanished like a ghost
'Cause in her life I'm nothing but a joke,
I'm so glad that I awoke

It was too easy- from beginning to the end
We took it easy: you're my lover- I'm your friend
But without me there's something she will lack
And I feel that she'll come back

(Chorus 1)

(Chorus 3)

Liza Liza, let's meet naked
Let's load our guns again and try
Liza Liza, I know we'll make it
We'll break on through this house of lies


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