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mantra suno( eng)

МУЗЫКА / Рок / mantra suno( eng)
Просмотр работы:
05 октября ’2024   15:09
Просмотров: 86
Добавлено в закладки: 1

Скачать файл - 5.127 мб   (Загружено 0 раз)

The flames of shadows encircle thee,

The moon doth light the parallels of thy way.

The stillness of the new-born day,

The northern wind shall help thee see.

Thy hand doth touch the river’s flow,

Yet water leaves no trace of thee.

The memory of dreams like drops will go,

Swiftly they run, thou return’st to thee.

Mountains rise, their silence holds,

The wind stirs not the frozen scene.

Thou look'st upon this world untold,

A guest without a face, unseen.

Flowers on the wind, they dance the Boston,

There is no time, no path to stride.

The strange shadows shall leave thy home,

Thou art at the threshold, seeking inside.

Yet thou dost know, ere after the storm,

The morn shall rise in new-born light.

Thou fleest to find thy Lao Tzu’s form,

To follow thine art of love's delight.

Yet thou dost know, ere after the storm,

The morn shall rise in new-born light.

Thou fleest to find thy Lao Tzu’s form,

To follow thine art of love's delight.

All that hath passed is but a dream,

And distant echoes in thy breast resound.

Thou lett'st thyself go, and hear’st a chime,

The green light gleams, a new day’s found.

There is no end, nor hath the path begun,

Thou count'st not ripples dancing on the stream.

Unfold thy wings, o’er earth and sky be gone,

The chime shall echo through the silent dream.

Yet thou dost know, ere after the storm,

The morn shall rise in new-born light.

Thou fleest to find thy Lao Tzu’s form,

To follow thine art of love's delight.

Yet thou dost know, ere after the storm,

The morn shall rise in new-born light.

Thou fleest to find thy Lao Tzu’s form,

To follow thine art of love's delight.


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