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The ocean of lost hope

МУЗЫКА / Рок / The ocean of lost hope
Просмотр работы:
21 июня ’2024   19:37
Просмотров: 725

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[Verse 1]
The waves crash down upon the shore
A symphony of pain, I can't ignore
The salty air, it stings my eyes
As I remember all the lies
The promises we made, so long ago
Now they're lost, beneath the ocean's flow

Oh, the ocean of lost hope, it's deep and wide
Swallowing my dreams, nowhere to hide
The currents pull me, further from the light
Lost in the darkness, consumed by the night

[Verse 2]
I built my castle on the shifting sand
Thinking it would last, forever planned
But the tide came in, and washed it away
Leaving me empty, with nothing to say
The memories I hold, they're fading fast
Drowned in the depths, of the ocean's vast

Oh, the ocean of lost hope, it's deep and wide
Swallowing my dreams, nowhere to hide
The currents pull me, further from the light
Lost in the darkness, consumed by the night


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