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Shooting stars

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Shooting stars
Просмотр работы:
21 июня ’2024   18:53
Просмотров: 709

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Night sky above us glows
Little lights the darkness shows
Look up to the cosmic play
Dreams on wings drift away

[Verse 2]
Among stars we'll make our flight
In our hearts and in the night
Every wish that we confide
Carries us so far and wide

Shooting stars they light the way
Through the night and through the day
Every trail they leave behind
Guides us on with dreams aligned

[Verse 3]
Hand in hand we'll chase the gleam
In this world and in our dream
Cosmic wonders brightly burn
To their light we'll always turn

Far away but close at heart
Grains of sand a world apart
In the vast and endless sky
Our hopes soar with every try

Shooting stars they light the way
Through the night and through the day
Every trail they leave behind
Guides us on with dreams aligned


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