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МУЗЫКА / Рок / Anomaly
Просмотр работы:
21 июня ’2024   16:55
Просмотров: 666

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[Verse 1]
Yo, check it, this ain't your average flow
I'm spitting fire, watch the mike glow
Got the bars stacked, ready to blow
This ain't no diss, this a solo
My style's unique, an anomaly
Don't try to copy, you won't be me
Got the rhymes tight, like a symphony
Got the beat bumpin', feelin' free

Yeah, I'm a freak of nature, a one of a kind
Got the rhythm, got the grind
Droppin' bombs, leaving you behind
This ain't a game, this a state of mind
So step aside, let the real ones shine
Anomaly, yeah, that's my design

[Verse 2]
Used to be lost, now I'm found
Got the mike in hand, makin' sound
Don't need no validation, I'm on the ground
Droppin' heat, watch the crowd astound
This ain't no hype, this real life
Got the lyrics raw, no need to be nice
Droppin' knowledge, spreading the light
This ain't no joke, it's the perfect fight

Yeah, I'm a freak of nature, a one of a kind
Got the rhythm, got the grind
Droppin' bombs, leaving you behind
This ain't a game, this a state of mind
So step aside, let the real ones shine
Anomaly, yeah, that's my design


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