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«Неизвестный Гений»
Dream World
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05 мая ’2024 23:06
Просмотров: 1514
Добавлено в закладки: 1
слова мои - DjSens from Arzamas
музыка и исполнение - купил у SunoAI
в принципе могу продать права за хорошую цену
If you want escape your world tonight,
And get up into my dreamland's light
Fill your mind with thoughts of pure love
And whisper spell my name above.
In my world of fantasy, I'll take you there and you will see
Nature lands and clear skies, Free you mind and close your eyes
In worlds of illusions,
Will be
The final conclusion.
We`ll making new world
Of love, of pure love!
Every day, I returns to the real life
Here is flawed justice and it cuts like a knife.
But I believe I can make a change
A part of this world I'll rearrange
музыка и исполнение - купил у SunoAI
в принципе могу продать права за хорошую цену
If you want escape your world tonight,
And get up into my dreamland's light
Fill your mind with thoughts of pure love
And whisper spell my name above.
In my world of fantasy, I'll take you there and you will see
Nature lands and clear skies, Free you mind and close your eyes
In worlds of illusions,
Will be
The final conclusion.
We`ll making new world
Of love, of pure love!
Every day, I returns to the real life
Here is flawed justice and it cuts like a knife.
But I believe I can make a change
A part of this world I'll rearrange
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Оставлен: 06 мая ’2024 13:02
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