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Просмотр работы:
25 января ’2024   09:38
Просмотров: 1827


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Music: Living World
Vocal: Khan Shtorh, Richard Freeman
Lyrics: Khan Shtorh
Cover: Lorine Arzumanyan
Genre: Modern Rock

© 2024 Living World


[Verse 1: Richard Freeman]
Every day, I come back and listen to you again
voice in my head, I hear a thin cry, among a thousand words I try
to cling one, I smoothly stop loving myself and inside
my heart burns in the fragments of the past
and yet I collect thoughts in a strand realizing
[And every night I get closer «you», but you always run away]

[Pre – Chorus: Richard Freeman]
Each of us builds the past
Makes we who we are
I understand it and look deep into it
stop and look straight

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh & Richard Freeman]
Into the roots
[don't let me scream in pain cause I]
feeling like I'm insecure
these roots
[stop the killing my heart cause I]
suffocate from this is pain inside

[Verse 2: Richard Freeman]
In my dreams, the last hope was fading and over the years
the black spot on my soul grew
but I held on to the thoughts in my head
surviving, dying, breaking myself
the whole fucking world that I'm building is sinking
into abyss of uncertainty
[it really hurts and scares me]

[Pre – Chorus: Richard Freeman]
Each of us builds the past
makes we are who we are
I understand it and look deep into it
stop and look straight

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh & Richard Freeman]
Into the roots
[don't let me scream in pain and I]
feeling like I'm insecure
these roots
[stop the killing my heart and I]
suffocate from this pain inside

[Bridge: Khan Shtorh]
Something crawls me inside
breaks my heart and sometimes
makes me scream but no one nearby
and no one will help me now


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