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Sadistic World

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Sadistic World
Просмотр работы:
06 июля ’2023   07:08
Просмотров: 2493

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Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk5GVD8zBGw


[Verse 1: Richard Freeman]
Sitting in a dark room all alone
walking outside, is howling someone
horror and monsters are walking your head
make you play hide and seek, screaming for pain
your heart is n’ empty, blood flows from the tension
you feel devastation so viscous frustration

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
Sadistic world lost control
all my pain, climbs out freedom
sadistic world destroys me
lives in my heart whole nightmare lead

[Verse 2: Richard Freeman]
Presses inside me
doesn’t to breathe
heartlessly tears my soul in pieces
wants to get out now faster my pain
pulls me the rope around my neck
trying to escape from the monster inside
but all my attempts kill me so how
only I take a step out so far
suffering drown me deeply somehow

Blood rain
drips from your eyes
lazily killing
of your mind

Sadistic world lost control
all my pain, climbs out freedom
hurts me so much to see the light
hiding in the dark and scary side

Hellish ashes in front of my eyes
sadistic world inside my mind
hurts me so much to see the light
hiding in the dark and scary side


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