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Every Time

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Every Time
Просмотр работы:
25 июня ’2023   20:14
Просмотров: 2449

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Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVwuTVBle8Q


[Verse 1: Khan Shtorh]
Seems I hurting, and I bursting
Inside of me, my heart is breaking
from the pain that I
carry every day

[Pre – Chorus: Richard Freeman]
(You hear a whisper in your head
he's so tempting you to falling away)

Every time I run away from hell
(Tell me, how do I hide?)
every time I lost in the darkness
(Tell me how to stop the feeling this?)
every time I run away from you
(Tell me, how do I hide?)
ready to fall into the abyss
in motherfucker days!

[Verse 2: Khan Shtorh]
I hear your voice, behind me just noise
it's beautiful, so painful
I die, cause nobody loves me!

[Pre – Chorus: Richard Freeman]
(You hear a whisper in your head
he's so tempting you to falling away)

Every time I run away from hell
(Tell me, how do I hide?)
every time I lost in the darkness
(Tell me how to stop the feeling this?)
every time I run away from you
(Tell me, how do I hide?)
ready to fall into the abyss
in motherfucker days!

[Bridge: Both]
[Fucked up!
Let me sticking and digging fire
what I burn in myself new desire


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