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TimeLine (HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023)

МУЗЫКА / Рок / TimeLine (HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023)
Просмотр работы:
03 января ’2023   08:29
Просмотров: 4126

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Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImLVOvzOqWg

[Verse 1: Alex Walker]
My soul, like a subtle cybernetics
goes on an endless path, year after year the fuss lasts
there is the sun, and there is sadness
the time line does not let you stop, because in our world
there are no stops, life lasts like a colored stripe
this thin note gets stuck in the mind, because few people know
what does he want from life

[Pre – Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
Stars, day fly overhead
minutes of time are burning out

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
Flying, in the flow of the time line
unknown is far away
every second takes us to eternity

[Verse 2: Khan Shtorh]
I often think how much time
I have left, I hear the clock ticking
and understand that time is passing
I'm not afraid, I just feel the transition that is
wasting time for the next year, life is slowly slipping away
many of us do not understand this
look at the clock hand and calendar
you realize that time is flying away

[Pre – Chorus: Alex Walker]
Stars, day fly overhead
minutes of time are burning out

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
Flying, in the flow of the time line
unknown is far away
every second takes us to eternity

[Bridge: Alex Walker & Khan Shtorh]


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