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МУЗЫКА / Рок / Nightmare
Просмотр работы:
05 декабря ’2022   15:10
Просмотров: 4184

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Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWz0oEaALag

[Intro: Khan Shtorh]
[A huge shadow, you run - you run from it
and it follows you, it's a nightmare]

[Verse 1: Alex Walker]
Monster, your rider
you are walking in the middle of a dark day
your road looks like a long nightmare
silhouettes are visible through the smoke around you
you are not ready to run away
because you are powerless, your eternal path is hopeless
because at the end of dying light

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
It's just a nightmare that leads me to a dead end
it's just a nightmare, carried away in hell

[Verse 2: Alex Walker]
The star in the sky, the highlight is shine
if you are drowning in a swamp
there is no one to save you, why?
you're all alone, this world only brings suffering
I don't recognize myself
I see a future bloodsucker in the mirror
I'm not ready to leave, I'm very scared
because at the end I see a dying light

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]]
It's just a nightmare that leads me to a dead end
it's just a nightmare, carried away in hell [2x]

Dark, dark day!


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