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Silent Downpour

МУЗЫКА / Рок / Silent Downpour
Просмотр работы:
13 ноября ’2020   06:53
Просмотров: 7902

Скачать файл - 4.816 мб   (Загружено 0 раз)
(CLIP) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTZ9B4gslXs

Snow and rain, all that's left
so much we've done and that's it
I would now very much like
to see the sun of the twenty-seventh year
when everyone was alive and the whole plant
when life was full of interest and not like no

And now the void
has swallowed everything
many loved ones died and the plant fell
all I have to do is sing standing
at the microphone, I'm tired

Tired of knowing that every step is hopeless
tired of seeing the world fall out of hand
people destroyed the factory for money
they are ready to destroy
everything for money

And now the void
has swallowed everything
many loved ones died and the plant fell
all I have to do is sing standing
at the microphone, I'm tired

We loved to build on destroyed
and forgotten places
but on forever all destroyed
we first time we saw Paradise
on earth which is no more

[Chorus 2x]
And now the void
has swallowed everything
many loved ones died and the plant fell
all I have to do is sing standing
at the microphone, I'm tired

Silent Downpour


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