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«Неизвестный Гений»
Rock n Roll At Midnight
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24 августа ’2010 15:41
Просмотров: 26446
This is a moment when your heartbeat acelerate
This is a moment when fear fullfill all in your prays
This is a moment when i hear how your knees shakin
This is a moment when i see how your world breakin
Tonight i will throw down you from your fictios throne
Tonight i will revenge cause you are alone
You know i will do one last thing for you
I kill you very slowly like i want to
Look into my eyes
Someone will die tonight
Why you are not so brave when there's no one around
Why you are afraid and don't make a sound
Why do I don't see a smile on your Face
I think you know the answer, you will DIE at this place
Hey You !!! If you got something to say - Say it!
If you got something to show
- Show it!
This is a last motherfucking seconds in your life !!!
This is a moment when fear fullfill all in your prays
This is a moment when i hear how your knees shakin
This is a moment when i see how your world breakin
Tonight i will throw down you from your fictios throne
Tonight i will revenge cause you are alone
You know i will do one last thing for you
I kill you very slowly like i want to
Look into my eyes
Someone will die tonight
Why you are not so brave when there's no one around
Why you are afraid and don't make a sound
Why do I don't see a smile on your Face
I think you know the answer, you will DIE at this place
Hey You !!! If you got something to say - Say it!
If you got something to show
- Show it!
This is a last motherfucking seconds in your life !!!
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