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МУЗЫКА / Рок / Albatross
Просмотр работы:
01 мая ’2010   12:32
Просмотров: 26529

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Перевод стихотворения Татьяны Забелиной "Альбатрос"

Just never making start
from the ground,
You fly up in the sky
from a cloud of dreams,
'Cause your own doubts
are not to be found,
'Cause your lifestyle is
always like this.

I will disclose one thing:
how to save one's spirit.
Let it remain a secret
of mine and yours.
No trap or net can catch a bird,
Whirling above the white seas
for years!
Still you want to know,
where to get the wings,
Needing to glide like an albatross,
oh, my hero.
They've been gifts of God
to his beloved
With no objection
for thousands of years.

When they throw dirt
to your snow-white feathers,
When sharp stones
fly straight to your breast,
You will squeeze your teeth
and hold your groan,
Your eyes dropping diamonds,
you doing your best...



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